
Infertility is the inability of a woman to become pregnant due to reasons caused by the woman, the man, or both. While the infertility rate in our country was two percent in 1975, today the number of married couples who cannot achieve pregnancy in the first year of their marriage has exceeded fifteen percent. 80% of couples who do not use birth control to have a child can have a child in the first year, 7% in the second year, and 3-5% between the 3rd and 10th years. However, if pregnancy does not occur in the first 3 years, the chances decrease in the following years. Infertility occurs in two ways.

There is no pregnancy in primary infertility. Secondary infertility is when the couple who had a child before could not conceive even though they wanted another child.

The main reason for infertility in women is the inability to produce the egg, the inability of the egg to

mature, or the failure of the matured egg to be fertilized and thrown into the tubes to reach the uterus.

. For example, in polycystic ovary syndrome, there are many cysts in the ovaries as well as enlargement, and the ovaries cannot produce eggs. In some diseases of the thyroid gland, the mature egg cannot be released from the ovary into the oviduct. Damage to the uterus due to any surgical intervention, diseases and tumors within the uterus or the uterine wall, and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs are other reasons that prevent pregnancy. In some cases, hormonal disorders can also be the cause of infertility. Excessive secretion of prolactin, the hormone that secretes milk, due to an enlargement or tumor of the pituitary gland, is an example of infertility due to hormonal disorder.

There is a special layer of cells that covers the uterine wall and is found only in the uterus. This is called endometrium. When fertilization does not occur, the endometrium is shed by menstrual bleeding.

This cell layer is located in a place other than the uterine wall, such as an egg. If it develops in the lining or tubes, this condition is called endometriosis. Endometriosis can cause infertility by causing the egg to move in the tube, disrupting the ovulation function, or preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. Long-term aspirin or pain-relieving rheumatism pills, chemotherapy drugs, spirinolactone group edema-resolving-diuretic drugs and some psychiatric drugs may cause infertility. Apart from all these, I must say that advancing age also prevents pregnancy.

Unfortunately, in some regions, women are shown to be the sole responsible for infertility.

This is why divorce occurs in childless couples and the man marries another

. However, infertility is a problem for men as well as women. The main cause of infertility in men is sperm abnormalities. Low sperm count, lack of sperm motility, and structural disorders of sperm cells are examples of this. Testicular diseases such as inflammatory disease of the testicles, infection, testicular cancer, surgical diseases of the testicles, inability of the testicles to produce sperm, testicles remaining in the inguinal canal since birth and not descending into the bags (undescended testicle-cryptorchism), insufficient production of the male hormone testosterone, some medications (rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's Disease). Sulfosalazine used in medicine, long-term use of muscle-building anabolic drugs or discontinuation of these drugs after long-term use, chemotherapy drugs, alcohol can be counted among other causes of infertility for men.

There are common causes of infertility in both men and women. For example, being overweight, being underweight, sexually transmitted diseases, smoking, working in the pesticide-metal or organic solvent industry, being under heavy stress. Having a genetic disorder in either a woman or a man can be considered as common causes of infertility in both genders.

For the treatment of infertility, physicians who are experts in this field apply treatment based on the cause.

Dear readers, all couples who long for a baby can have their babies in a short time.

I wish them to embrace me. Goodbye.


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