Behavior Disorders in Children

First of all, we should keep in mind that children do not mean that adults are younger and that they may interpret some situations differently than we think. They learn in the family environment how to react, what to feel, and even what to say in the face of events and situations they encounter. The family, which is the first environment where this learning takes place, is a very important model for the child. Parents should provide a suitable environment for their children and support their children's developmental processes with correct behavior. Sometimes we may encounter unwanted behavior patterns in the child. In such a case, after determining the factors that lead to this behavior and the result of the behavior, some information such as the frequency of the behavior, its intensity and in which environments it occurs should be obtained. Remember; In order for a behavior to be called a conduct disorder, it is expected to be exhibited in at least two different environments. Behavioral disorders are highly related to the child's subjective life. An evaluation should be made with the child regarding what function the behavior fulfills in the environment in which it occurs. These functions; It may be aimed at attracting attention, obtaining an object, avoiding responsibility, or meeting the need for sensory stimulation. Now let's examine them one by one;

-Attention Attention: A child may show some behavioral problems such as shouting, jumping, stamping, crying in order to attract the attention of his parents or other individuals in his environment. When we encounter such a situation, we must first check whether the child's 'social interests and needs' are met. If the child does not receive approval from his family, if his positive behavior is not appreciated, if he is not given enough attention and if special time is not allocated for him, the child may resort to such negative methods to prove his presence in the environment. Rather than labeling the behavior, it is very important to understand what function it performs in the environment.

-Obtaining an object: Any child may cry, forcefully ask for an object or toy, or request it through some behaviors he/she has developed in order to obtain the desired object or toy. In such a case, if we think that the child has developed a behavioral problem in order to obtain an object, the child wants that object. It should be evaluated whether he/she has the ability to express and say what he/she does. Maybe the child doesn't really know how to get that object, or maybe he already gets the object when he wants it that way.

-Avoiding Responsibility: Behavioral problems exhibited to avoid responsibility can be observed in some situations, such as avoiding homework, not wanting to go to school, or not fulfilling their duties. In such a case, an examination should be made regarding what function the behavior fulfills in its context.

-Meeting the Stimulus Need: Every child must be in contact with objects in order to explore the environment and make sense of the world. In this way, it can create a schema for each object. However, in some cases, if this need is taken away from the child, if he grows up in an overprotective family where contact with objects is prevented with the thought that it will harm him, the child may tend to meet this need with different behaviors, and sometimes this may be with undesirable behaviors. In such a case, he should be contacted as much as possible and given the opportunity to restructure himself.


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