Hormone tests in pregnant women
TSH values are different in pregnant women. TSH decreases due to the hormone secreted during pregnancy (cryonic gonadotropic hormone). For this reason, the lower TSH limit is accepted as 0.1 mIU/L in the first 3 months and 0.2-0.3 mIU/L in the second and third 3 months. TSH values above 2.5 mIU/L in the first three months and above 3 mIU/L in the second and third months are considered “subclinical hypothyroidism” (hypothyroidism without clinical symptoms)
The importance of high antibodies in pregnant women
Even if thyroid hormones are normal in pregnant women, high antibodies increase the risk of miscarriage. A relationship has been found between unsuccessful results in applications such as in vitro fertilization and high anti-TPO levels. There is a risk of hypothyroidism in the unborn baby of pregnant women with high levels of anti-TPO.
Although thyroid hormones are normal in the first months of pregnant women with positive antibodies, hypothyroidism may develop in the following months. Therefore, TSH should be checked every 4-6 weeks. In women with positive thyroid antibodies, TSH should also be checked after birth.
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