Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder is a very common disorder today. ADHD begins before age 7 and must be impaired in two or more environments (home and school). We cannot say that there is ADHD if there is only a deterioration in one place. The main symptoms of this disorder are; hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention problems. We must consider these separately because not every child with attention problems is hyperactive, but attention problems are seen in hyperactive children.
So, how should teachers and families approach children with ADHD?
Students should be seated in the front rows at school (1. or 2nd place)
Since noise is a distracting element, noise must be prevented.
Having the child repeat the given command later (After saying "I want you to collect your pencils and take out your Turkish notebook", you can say "come on, repeat what I want" )
When explaining the expected behaviors of the child, we should get down to the child's eye level and talk.
Information should be given to children with this disorder step by step.
Frequently summarizing the subject during the lesson will be very useful for children with ADHD.
/> As soon as the teacher realizes that the student's attention is distracted, the teacher should give warnings to help the child regain his attention without embarrassing him.
Tasks should be given to ensure that the student moves. Like, come on, take this to the administration, come on, wipe the board.
Children with ADHD should be given easy tasks.
Positive behavior should be rewarded.
Children with ADHD should be given feedback about their peer relationships. (Like you broke your friend's pen or your friend is upset)
Expectations should be clarified before an activity.
Parents need to understand the situation the child is in.
A home life with regular routines (dinner time at 8pm (such as bedtime at 9.30)
It is necessary to reduce stimuli while the child is working.
Measures must be taken to reduce home accidents.
Behavior plans should be made and a reward system should be used.
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