Mood disorders such as depression, panic attacks and anxiety (anxiety disorder) These are clinical conditions that really bore the person and make life unbearable with feelings of hopelessness and pessimism. A person's soul gets tired, so to speak. Physical fatigue passes with rest of the body; Unfortunately, mental fatigue does not go away.

The energy to struggle with life, life energy, and the power and ability to make plans for the future gradually decrease. All these negative mental states lead to physical (physiological) disorders over time. He also leaves. These physical symptoms are called "psychosomatic symptoms" in medical language.

These physical symptoms;

  • Heart palpitations,
  • A feeling of stuttering in the heart,
  • Feeling of breathlessness,
  • Dry mouth,
  • Increased or decreased blood pressure,
  • Dizziness,
  • Imbalance ,
  • It appears as a wide range of symptoms such as ringing in the ears,
  • Occasional blackout
  • etc.

    Thus, rightly so. It causes the person to consult specialist physicians in all branches of medicine, one by one. There is no cardiologist, neurologist, internist, or chest disease specialist left unvisited. On the other hand, psychiatrist specialists are constantly changed and the ones recommended by someone are not left unvisited. Every doctor must try it. As a result, the person turns into a drug store with bags full of drugs.

    Unfortunately, we often cannot answer “yes” to this; that is, it cannot achieve results.

    All antidepressants are serotonin pharmacological drugs that act as “Serotonin re-uptake inhibitor”. The substance we normally call serotonin; It is a neuro-transmitter secreted from the anatomical region of the brain that we call "raphe nuclei". This substance is an important substance that plays a role in transmitting information between neurons (nerve cells) and manages our emotional state. mediator(postman) substance. It is secreted from the brain. After reaching the nerve cell, it is stored in intracellular vesicles that we call "vesicles" and is secreted into the space between two nerve cells when the neural signal needs to be transmitted as information to the neighboring nerve cell. Serotonin binds to its special receptors located on the membrane of the immediately adjacent nerve cell, and after transmitting the necessary neurological signal (information), it is immediately taken back by the previous nerve cell from which it was secreted. strong>(re-uptake is done). Here are the available antidepressant drugs; It prevents the reuptake of serotonin, which transmits the neurological signal to the neighboring nerve cell, back into the previous nerve cell, causing it to concentrate in the space between the two nerve cells. Thus, antidepressant effects are tried to be achieved.

    Now, let's stop at this point and think about it. …

    Of course it does not increase. On the contrary, the mandatory reuptake is prevented and serotonin captured in the space between two nerve cells is tried to be retained.

    However, with acupuncture treatment, the "raphe nuclei" in the brain, which are the place where serotonin is directly produced, are tried to be retained. neither by giving neuronal stimuli; The production of serotonin is stimulated and production increases. Also, just like antidepressant drugs; The reuptake of serotonin is not prevented at all and the mechanism that must function is not disrupted (this is another positive aspect of acupuncture treatment)

    By the way, another issue is at least as important as acupuncture treatment. I also need to mention. The raw material of serotonin is "Tryptophan amino acid" and this amino acid cannot be synthesized by the body and must be taken with food. No matter what treatment is applied, if the patient does not get enough tryptophan with food, not enough raw material enters the body and as a result serotonin production It means it is not increasing. Here is the issue that is at least as important as acupuncture treatment; It is to consume foods rich in tryptophan amino acid.

    If we count these foods as we can easily find them in every corner of our country:

    Actually, it is possible to extend this list, but; Consuming even what I have mentioned above regularly will ensure that you get sufficient amounts of tryptophan, the raw material of serotonin.

    After the patient's food intake is regulated in this way, the probability of recovery increases with a good acupuncture treatment. And without any medication or side effects…

    As I finish my article, I have a basic suggestion for you; No matter what treatment you are receiving for mood disorders, never despair. Regarding treatment options, please note that acupuncture is a very good option.


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