Social anxiety ; It is defined as the situation in which a person feels the fear of being humiliated and embarrassed in social environments, especially in situations that require performance

. Social anxiety is also known as social phobia. Children with social anxiety ask, "I wonder what people think of me?" in every move they make while in public. They live with the thought. For this reason

for this reason, children with social anxiety avoid situations such as group activities, talking in public,

eating in public, asking questions to their teachers,

playing games with their friends. .

While the child with social anxiety exhibits these behaviors, parents may not be disturbed by these situations

On the contrary, they may think that their children are well-behaved and calm

individuals. While children with social anxiety exhibit these behaviors

, "I'm not like them", "It's because of the games my friends play

I don't enjoy it'' They may use sentences like: These sentences are their defense

mechanisms. However, the real reason is that the child is afraid of being laughed at.

When faced with such a situation, one should be careful and the possibility of social

anxiety should be taken into consideration.

There are many reasons why social anxiety occurs. If the mother or father is avoidant

If they are shy people, it may be genetic or this situation may be learned later.

The shy behavior of the mother and father supports social anxiety. Being an overly anxious

parent also creates social anxiety in the child. If the family allows social

anxiety, the child may grow this phobia even more.


If social anxiety is not intervened, it can lead to many negative situations in the person's life

in the future. These are;

-failure at school

-inability to make friends

-limitation in business life

-inability to be with someone of the opposite sex


-substance use

conditions such as.

The first step in the treatment of social anxiety in children is to inform the parents.

Parents are like this. in a situation Instead of criticizing their children, they should behave in ways that support them

and have conversations about situations that cause anxiety in the child.

In order to socialize their children, they can direct them to sports performed in groups that they think the child enjoys

. Families who think they are faced with such a situation should definitely seek help from an expert

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