Test anxiety is very common among all students. This anxiety increases as he thinks about the grades he will get and the things he will gain or lose after the exam. The biggest support you can offer him as a parent is to tell him that nothing will end with any exam or grade. By the way, just telling him "relax" will not be enough. In order for him to be more comfortable during the exams, you need to teach him some techniques that will make him think more positively and feel more comfortable. Once they learn this and turn it into a habit, they can take exams more comfortably and less anxiously in a short time. Some of these strategies include.
“What Are Their Anxious Thoughts?” Teach Your Child!
First of all, learning what the thoughts that worry your child are will enable him to be more aware of his concerns and for you to help him better.
For example; You can ask him the following questions when he gets worried.
What are you thinking about right now?
What worries you?
What is the worst thing you think will happen?
In response to these questions, your child The answers he gives are "I believe I will fail", "I think I will not pass the exam", etc. It could be like. Actually, thinking like this does not mean that you will get a bad grade in the exam. However, this belief makes him look at the situation from an unrealistic negative perspective and negatively affects his performance.
Teach Your Child to "Have More Constructive Conversations"!
When faced with situations. It is the attitudes and beliefs that determine how you react. Therefore, your child's negative "talks" about the exam will increase his anxiety. Have him share his thoughts with you and replace them with a more positive sentence and perspective. Positive speeches about the exam increase self-confidence and reduce anxiety.
For example;
A negative speech; No matter what I do, I won't pass this test. A positive speech; You have studied all the material, I am sure you will do your best in the exam.
A negative speech; I'm not good at math, why bother?
A positive speech; I am sure that you will make the best use of the information you have learned so far in the exam.
A negative speech; If I get bad grades, I'm done.
A positive speech; Honey, this exam is just a way to measure success.
Negative speech; I should never make mistakes.
A positive speech; Mistakes happen in every exam and you learn a lot from your mistakes.
A negative speech; Let's say I fail the exam. So what is going to happen? What do I do?
A positive conversation; Of course, it is very sad that something like this happens. But it's not the end of the world. Next time, you can work a little harder, go over your mistakes and do better.
Teach Your Child to "Relax Physically"!
Physically relaxing helps reduce anxiety and Its effects, such as improving performance, are well known. You can also help your child relax and take the exam more easily.
Do this exercise together. Sit together in a comfortable chair. Find the tense areas in the body and first tighten them and then relax them. For example…
Let's start with your arms first… Now tighten your arms, shoulders and biceps. Now keep squeezing (count to 10), you can now release. Let go of all the tension, let all the tension flow away from your arms as if a liquid were flowing. Let it all go, all the tension flows away. Feel the place (or the chair) on which you rest your arm, notice that your arms are getting heavier… Feel it getting heavier and heavier…
Your arms are heavy and comfortable… Comfortable, heavy and warm… Notice the warmth and comfort of the weight… Feel it getting heavier and heavier, You feel comfortable and warm…”
Take a deep breath and contract and relax your hands, legs, feet, neck, abdomen and facial muscles, respectively. Continue breathing deeply in between. Remind Yourself "What You Should Do as a Parent"!
Undoubtedly, the attitudes and behaviors you will show to your child in this process, as well as the methods your child will do and learn, will be a great support for him/her to relax.
Days before the exam. There will be times when he will feel anxiety. Be sure to note the exam dates. Talk to him and support him before the exams. try yeast. When anxiety increases, disruptions in daily sleep and eating patterns may occur. Prepare healthy foods that he can eat without stressing too much. To avoid disrupting your sleep pattern, review your working hours and avoid consuming too much caffeine. After an exam, go over together what the exam was like from start to finish. Congratulate him on the times he copes with anxiety. In cases where anxiety is high and this negatively affects exam performance, do not get angry or criticize. Learn well the factors that affect it. What can he do better in the next exam? Talk about it. Don't ignore their negative feelings. Try to understand the feeling he is experiencing and empathize with him. Instead of giving one-sided advice, try to establish a dialogue with him and listen to him.
Organize organizations where he can relax and rest after the exams.
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