What Changes in the State of Hypnosis?

You have used some induction methods to apply hypnosis to your patient. However, how do you know if your patient has really gone into hypnosis? There is no 100% way to know if the answer is whether the patient is in hypnosis (Yapko, 2003, p.198). This is because there is nothing specific to hypnosis and nothing unique to hypnosis that only happens in hypnosis. Of course, many physical and psychological changes occur in the state of hypnosis. However, as mentioned above, these changes do not occur only in the state of hypnosis. Whether or not a person is in hypnosis can be predicted by looking at the changes that occur in the hypnotic state. Another reason we can't tell 100% whether a person is in hypnosis is because each person's experience of hypnosis is different. ;

Even for an experienced hypnotherapist, it is not easy to determine whether a person is in hypnosis. It is therefore common belief among hypnotherapists that it is much more difficult for a client-client to determine whether they are in self-hypnosis.

It is certain that each person's experience of hypnosis differs. Different sessions of the same person can change many of their experiences with hypnosis. Because systematic changes do not occur in hypnosis.
However, every hypnotic experience may have common aspects. We'll now take a look at the aspects that these can have in common.


Relaxation in Hypnosis

From clients-patients “I was lying on the clouds.”, “I was seeing comforting lights of all colors.” “I was lying on the ocean.” We often hear expressions reminding relaxation and relaxation in the form of

The most easily obtained and most frequently observed thing in hypnosis is peace, calmness and relaxation in the patient. People who experience hypnosis say that they have never been this relaxed before. Although relaxation and hypnosis have to be 100% together, we can say that in 98% of clinical hypnotherapy applications, relaxation and hypnosis are together. The combination of relaxation and hypnosis provides enormous benefits. For example, while working in anxiety disorders, the relaxation brought by hypnosis can cause anxiety to regress. In some cases, the benefit of relaxation brought by hypnosis is hypnosis. It may overshadow the usefulness of the first suggestion.

A person's capacity to relax can also give an idea about their susceptibility to hypnosis. When working with anxiety disorders, patients can be taught relaxation first and then hypnosis. We think that this approach may be more beneficial to clients than directly applying hypnosis. Because a person with an anxiety disorder may also experience the anxiety of not being able to enter hypnosis. This anxiety itself can make it difficult to enter hypnosis. However, when the client learns to relax before hypnosis, we encounter such anxieties much less.

Other physical changes that occur in the state of hypnosis are as follows.


People who experience hypnosis may experience muscle twitches. These twitches are explained by the neurological changes brought about by relaxation. These twitches are harmless and do not continue after the hypnotic state is over.


Tear secretion may increase in the case of hypnosis. Therefore, an image appears as if the client is crying. But in reality, of course, there is most likely no crying.


Catalepsy In some hypnotic trance states It is a condition characterized by stiffening of the muscles, stabilization of posture and insensitivity to pain. Catalepsy is not seen in children's hypnotic trance state. Children can be fidgety even under hypnosis. Movement never indicates that a child is not in a state of hypnosis.

Other physical changes that occur in a state of hypnosis are as follows.

-Pulse reduction.

-Change in reflexes.

-Change in facial expression.

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-Slowing down, regulating and deepening breathing.

-At the beginning of hypnosis, the client's eyes may flicker as if they were fluttering.

-Moving or leaning back of the eyes as in REM.

-Low blood pressure.

-Slowing heart rhythm and regular

-Increased oxygen consumption.

All the above changes are made by the atomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system regulates activities that are not under our conscious control, such as heartbeat and breathing.

Psychomotor Changes

Decrease and slowdown in body movements can be observed.
Decreased desire to move (as if laziness) observable.


In the state of hypnosis, some people may state that the feeling of heaviness increases, while others may They can express the opposite. Some may feel as if their body has become 5 times heavier, while others may feel 5 times lighter. Some clients may even report floating without any body weight. Again, some clients may express that their bodies are enlarged or enlarged or shrinking. One of our clients expressed the feeling of heaviness, "I feel like I just came out of surgery." expressed in his words. Many patients feel too heavy to lift their arms when I ask you to raise them, or they can lift it too slowly.

Changes in the Thought Process

In hypnosis, the thought process slows down and thought deepens.


Selective attention and concentration are intense during hypnosis. For example, while you are reading these lines right now, if you focus your attention, you may realize that there are many voices around. How much did you pay attention to the sound of the car passing by while reading the lines above? Or are you just starting to pay attention? While reading these lines, your attention was not on the sound of the car. Your attention has made a selection and has chosen to focus on these lines. This is called selective attention. A similar selective attention mechanism works quite well in hypnosis. Therefore, people prefer to pay attention to some things in their perceptual fields and not to pay attention to others.

Emotional Changes

People's emotional state with hypnosis change It is possible to create clicks. So much so that people can sometimes be made to experience and feel a single emotion throughout the session.

Emotional changes suggested and sustained in hypnosis tend to continue after hypnosis.

The Five Senses in Hypnosis

In hypnosis, the 5 senses work more sensitively. However, some may begin to perceive the hypnotist's voice as coming from much further away.

Increase in Imagination Power

In hypnosis, a person's power to create, intensify and maintain images increases (Hammond 1990).
Even images can be as vivid as hallucinations.

Images are in hypnotherapy;

1.In patients' self-description
(with the help of symbols),

2.In the use of their creative powers in therapy,

3.Personal development and They can be used in problem solving.

Changes in Memory Processes

The nervous system can record anything. Therefore, our memories of childhood years, which are very distant, can be vividly reenacted in hypnosis. This increase in memory power in hypnosis is called hypermnesia. However, it may not be possible to remember everything that has been forgotten with hypnosis.

Changes in Time Perception (Time Distortion)

Hypnosis After it is over, the first thing I want from patients is to guess what time it is without looking at the clock. They cannot easily guess correctly. Because the perception of time is created in hypnosis, not by external events, but by comparing them to internal experiences. The perception of time gains the speed of inner experiences. Since inner experiences are slow, the time that the hypnotized person stays in hypnosis is very short.

Speech in Hypnosis

Speech can be slow, monotonous and paused.

Results :

Changes in hypnotic state can be considered as different indicators of hypnotic state. As it can be understood, we have not one but many indicators. Just like a cockpit. Just like what show in a cockpit? If it is not very common for travelers to know what terge means, it is not easy for a person in hypnosis to interpret these indicators correctly and infer whether he is in hypnosis.

We can use all these hypnotic signs-indicators for the following purposes.

-Improving harmony and cooperation with the patient.

-Utilizing the patient's hidden talents in treatment, influencing him and revealing positive adaptive behaviors.

-In the nature of hypnosis The more the phenomena we have described are intensified by suggestion by the hypnotist, the deeper the hypnosis will be.

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