It is normal for men to have breast enlargement and fullness during adolescence

It is a physiological condition. However, we expect this situation to have disappeared in adulthood.

We call the excessive breast size that persists into adulthood for various reasons or occurs later in men

as 'gynecomastia'.

This The situation may cause serious shyness, uneasiness and sensitivity in this area.

We may encounter men who avoid swimming in the sea, constantly wear loose clothing, and change the way they walk, just because of this discomfort. When such a patient applies,

Gynecomastia staging is made by making a decision based on the necessary tests and the person's examination findings.

If the excess is only fat tissue, liposuction (fat removal) is performed with vacuum systems. "Gynecomastia" can be treated with )

operation. If the person has a predominantly excess breast tissue

, it is planned to remove the tissues through a small incision made from the nipple and send the removed tissue

for pathological examination.

There is also a significant excess and In patients with sagging, excess skin along with the breast and its tissue can be surgically removed. The operation usually does not require a hospital stay.

The person can go to work after a 2-3 day rest.

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