11-14 days of pregnancy. Week Scan

It is a screening test that has been in use since the early 2000s. It is performed on babies whose crown-rump distance (CRL) is between 45-85 mm. The following evaluations and measurements are made:

* Heart activity

* Baby movements

* Placenta (baby partner) placement

* Inside the baby the amount of water it contains

* Growth tracking by measuring the head-rump distance

* Head-body integrity

* Formation of skull bones and intracranial structures

* Front and back body lines

* Two arms-hands and two legs-feet

* Stomach

* Urinary bladder

* Nuchal Thickness (NT): During these weeks, all babies have a physiological millimetric fluid accumulation under the skin at the nape of their neck. The thickness of this liquid is measured. This significant increase in thickness increases the risk of both chromosomal and structural disorders. However, a significant portion of cases with increased nuchal translucency are normal. Although the nuchal translucency limit value varies depending on the size of the baby, 3.5 mm and above is an increased measurement for the entire baby between these weeks and requires proceeding with diagnostic tests without the need for additional screening tests.

* Presence of Nasal Bone: In approximately half of the babies with Down Syndrome, the nasal bone either does not develop at all or is poorly developed.

* The vein that brings clean blood from the umbilical cord passes through the liver before reaching the right atrium of the heart. Examination of the passing section (Ductus Venosus) using color doppler.

11-14. Certification for the week-on-week screening is given and monitored by the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), based in London.
Following the ultrasonography, blood is taken from the expectant mother for the Double Test on the same day, and free hCG and PAPP-A secreted from the placenta are collected. Two hormone levels are measured.

For screening of Down syndrome and other common chromosomal disorders;

Above ultrasonography findings

Dual test values

Maternal age, weight and height, smoking habit

Maternal diabetes

In vitro fertilization

History of chromosomal disorder in the previous pregnancy

The above data are combined in a computer program and the specific data for this pregnancy are determined. A manual risk assessment is made. As a result of this evaluation, the expectant mother is divided into high or low risk groups according to the limit value (usually the limit value is 1/250). This test, in which all data is combined, is called Combined Screening Test.


11-14. Evaluation and Prevention of Preeclampsia Risk with Week Ultrasonography


Seen in the last months of pregnancy; It is a condition characterized by high blood pressure, protein loss in urine and edema. The severe form is seen in approximately 2% of pregnant women. Especially if it is seen before the 34th week of pregnancy, it may pose serious risks for the mother and the baby.

11-14. The addition of blood flow measurements to the uterus (Color Doppler) to week 3 ultrasonography is important in determining the risk of preeclampsia.

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