Lack of Sexual Reluctance (Sexual Frigidity) and Its Treatment

Problems of sexual reluctance (sexual frigidity, frigidity) are among the most common sexual problems in women.


What is sexual reluctance? (Sexual Frigidity)

Sexual reluctance or frigidity is the persistent or recurrent lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire to engage in sexual activity.


Sexual reluctance; It is also known as lack of sexual pleasure, decreased sexual desire, frigidity and frigidity.


The physician determines whether sexual desire has decreased or decreased by taking into consideration the factors affecting sexual functionality such as the person's age and living conditions. He judges that there is none.


Decreased sexual desire and decreased sexual desires are a significant cause of distress, causing difficulties in interpersonal relationships. p>In recent years, a significant portion of sexual dysfunctions have been constituted by "sexual desire disorders", and this rate has been increasing over time.


It is difficult to establish a connection between hormones and sexual desire and behavior. Female sexual hormones change frequently with many situations such as menstrual periods, breastfeeding, pregnancy and menopause. Despite this information, it has been shown that there is a relationship between the frequency of sexual intercourse in women and the level of testosterone hormone in the middle of the cycle.


Sexual reluctance can lead to vaginal dryness and anorgasmia (inability to orgasm).


Women experiencing sexual reluctance get little or no pleasure from sexual stimulation, and they may not have genital blood flow at a physiological level. In other words, lubrication (wetting) due to the mechanical stimulation of the penis in the vagina during sexual intercourse is also less. For this reason, vaginal dryness may occur. Women who experience frigidity also have orgasm difficulties.


What is frigidity? Who is called frigid?

Sexually cold women are called 'frigid'. This condition is called 'frigidity'.


Concerning individual factors related to frigidity and the causes of low sexual desire, scientists named LoPiccolo and Friedman:

. Strict religious beliefs,

. Anhedonic or that bsessive-compulsive (obsessive) personality,

. Gender identity or object selection problems,

. Sexual phobias and avoidance,

. Fear of losing control over sexual impulses,

. Masked sexual deviants,

. Fear of pregnancy,

. Depression,

. Loss of spouse,

. They focused on age-related concerns.


The most common reasons are loss of interest in the spouse, differences in the bilateral relationship regarding appropriate intimacy, and marital conflicts. Additionally, the partner's lack of sexual skills, fear of intimacy, differences between couples, power imbalance, passive-aggressive approach, and inability to bring together the feelings of love and sexual desire are stated.


Schreiner-Engel is sexually active They reported that mood disorders were twice as common in people with desire (sexual pleasure) disorders. It is said that the poor quality of the marital relationship is the most important factor in the development of this disorder.

The problem of sexual reluctance and vaginismus are different from each other

In many vaginismus patients, there is a problem with sexual pleasure. There is no problem.


Vaginismus patients have sexual desire and although couples cannot achieve full intercourse, they can satisfy each other in different ways. There is no problem in superficial intercourse (with friction), sexual satisfaction, or even orgasm through external clitoris. For this reason, it is different from the problem of sexual reluctance.


However, vaginismus patients may move away from sexual intercourse over time after each negative intercourse attempt, the frequency of intercourse attempts decreases and they may face the problem of sexual reluctance. Decreased sexual desire, inability to orgasm, and lack of lubrication (vaginal dryness) during sexual intercourse attempts are common complaints. In vaginismus patients who have sexual intercourse comfortably after overcoming their fear of sexual intercourse with treatment, pleasure will return over time.


Treatment of Sexual Reluctance

Masters and Johnson' 's sexual therapy method was developed by various physicians, especially H. Kaplan. After the evaluation of the patient, individual, group, couple and marriage therapies can be applied.


Sexual reluctance. and all other sexual treatments, the approaches have four basic features:


The couple is treated together.

The couple's sexual and non-sexual relationships are better with verbal and behavioral changes. They are helped to establish communication. The aim is to cooperate with the couple and give them the responsibility of solving the problem.

To correct incomplete and incorrect information by informing them about the anatomy, physiology (function) and psychology of sexual intercourse.

A graded series of “sexual homework”. should be given.

The existence of the love bond in the couple is the most important feature that gives a chance to treatment.


If sexual frigidity is not treated…

Sexual reluctance – Sexual reluctance Frigidity is a sexual problem that negatively affects the quality of life in women if left untreated. Problems that can lead to infidelity and divorce may arise in marriages.


The treatment of sexual reluctance is generally more difficult than the problem of vaginismus. It takes time and patience. Spouse support is also essential during treatment.


Cognitive-behavioral sexual treatments are the most common methods used for the treatment of sexual reluctance.


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