Human relations constitute a large part of our daily lives. Being able to have an effective social interaction is one of the most important criteria in order to avoid problems in our business life, education life and human relations.
Although Social Phobia (SF) is confused with shyness at first, it is more than this in the future. It is noticed by him and his relatives. The most prominent symptoms of SF are;
Avoidance of entering the community,
Excessive evaluation anxiety,
Excessive strain (anxiety, nausea, sweating, etc.) in situations that require performance (public speaking, making a presentation, not speaking in class, etc.) and avoiding these situations as much as possible,
Extreme fear of being in environments with unfamiliar people, meeting new people, being in parties and entertainment environments,
Returning a purchased product or Having difficulty resisting persistent behavior,
Anxiety about eating in public and working in a crowded environment,
Problems in social relations to live.
Although people in SF realize that their evaluation anxiety is excessive and unnecessary, they cannot help avoiding it. Although the avoidance that occurs as a result of SF may relieve people momentarily, it causes many problems in the long term. For example, performing below the actual level in business life, having difficulty communicating with the opposite sex, and experiencing loneliness are the main problems caused by SF. In addition, the negativities brought by SF often cause depression in individuals.
Causes of SF
Negative experiences in the past:Even if we are not aware of it, the negative life events we experience affect our future thoughts and behaviors. Hurtful criticism or negative evaluations made both in childhood and adolescence may push us to avoid similar situations in order not to experience the same negative experiences again. These avoidances increase fear and anxiety over time and increase the SF cycle (s).
Early Maladaptive Schemas: Schemas, in their simplest sense, are mental structures that emerge as a result of our past experiences (see more details about schemas). For more information, see my article titled Schema Therapy). It is known that there is a relationship between high standards, inadequate self-control and culpability schemas and SF.
Negative Thoughts: Individuals with SF generally have negative beliefs and thoughts about social environments or situations. Thoughts such as "I will be the laughing stock of everyone", "I will look stupid", "they will never like me", "everyone will understand my anxiety from my face" constantly preoccupy the minds of individuals with SF. Additionally, beliefs such as "I should never make mistakes", "I must get everyone's approval", "I must do everything in the best possible way to be lovable" are also quite common in SF.
Genetic Factors: strong>Individuals diagnosed with SF are generally seen in their families and relatives as shy, quiet or individuals diagnosed with SF.
SF Treatment
Individuals diagnosed with SF may often be reluctant to come to treatment, but it should be known that SF symptoms can be controlled with psychotherapy and individuals can lead a quality life by increasing their daily functionality. It helps to control your SF with therapy schools such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Schema Therapy, EMDR and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. The number of sessions required varies depending on the severity of the disorder, and it would be beneficial to consult a psychologist for detailed information. As with every mental health disorder, the first step in recovery from SF is to be willing to receive treatment.
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