One of the Most Common Disorders of Today; Social Phobia!!!

Do you think everyone is looking at you the moment you enter a room?

Are you afraid of making the wrong sentence?

Are you worried that others will laugh or mock your behavior?

Does going into society make you 'sweat'?

If you think you experience these and similar symptoms, you may have social phobia.

So what is 'Social Phobia', individuals with social phobia How do they behave and who gets 'Social Phobia'?

Today, phobias are the most common psychiatric disorders. Social phobia usually begins in adolescence and is more common in women than in men. People with social phobia; They experience the fear of being ridiculed, disgraced, and judged by others so intensely that they try to escape from any environment that may pave the way for this and disrupt their daily lives. They do not want to enter environments where others are present.

So what could be the reasons for the emergence of social phobia?

The overly protective and protective attitude of parents towards their children or the rejecting and unemotional attitude of the family. -The person has inherited self-inhibiting and shy personality traits, -It may tend to occur more in first-degree relatives -Inadequate economic status, low level of education and not being out in society enough can also be among the reasons -Some imbalances in brain chemistry It is thought that there is a connection between social phobia and social phobia, and the chemical called 'serotonin' may play a role in the emergence of social phobia.


How do people with social phobia behave?

Individuals with social phobia are afraid of being in front of the public, speaking, eating or taking any action. They are constantly worried about behaving in a way that will cause embarrassment. They feel intense anxiety when they are about to participate in an activity or even when they just imagine this situation. They are often afraid of being humiliated or humiliated and therefore refrain from taking certain actions. Physical symptoms include facial flushing, sweating, tremors, palpitations, dry mouth, shortness of breath, muscle tension. Symptoms such as stomach problems and discomfort in the gastrointestinal system may be observed.


What are the types of social phobia?

Social Phobia is common. It may also be limited to specific situations. In individuals with common type social phobia, fears cover many social situations. In the uncommon type, there is anxiety experienced in situations such as engaging in an activity alone with the opposite sex, starting and continuing a conversation, eating, or signing in front of others.


So is there a treatment for social phobia?

Social phobia is cured with the combination of psychotherapy and medication. It will be difficult to socialize in an anxious mood at first, and therefore it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. However, no matter how difficult it may be, you should not avoid social situations that you know are anxiety-provoking or triggering. As you face these types of situations, your abilities to cope with them will improve and strengthen. However, it should not be forgotten that support from an expert is required.

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