Will My Teeth Return to Their Previous Shape After Orthodontic Treatment?

You have finished your orthodontic treatment. You have the smile you want. You are very happy, but will this happiness last a lifetime? Your doctor's answer to this question: Unfortunately, it is not possible to answer 'YES' without hesitation. Because, especially in young individuals whose growth development continues actively, the growth direction of the jaws may not always be in the desired direction. In addition, in individuals who have gaps between the teeth at the beginning of the treatment, the tendency of the teeth to open back after the gaps between the teeth are closed may last a lifetime. There are different methods. The first of these are retainer wires (fixed back-dental wires), which ensure that the front area, which we call the 'showcase', is not distorted and are required to be kept in the mouth for at least a few years, except in special cases. The second method is essix plates (transparent plates), which are intended to surround all teeth with brackets in the mouth during treatment. Applying these two methods at the end of orthodontic treatment will minimize the possibility of deterioration of your teeth after treatment. The treatment in which these two methods are applied is called passive treatment process (reinforcement treatment). After treatment, it is critical to have check-ups at the intervals specified by your physician (usually between 6 months and 1 year), although not as frequently as in active treatment. It should not be forgotten that your wisdom teeth may need to be extracted if your doctor directs you.


Orthodontic treatments have 3 basic principles in terms of the mechanics applied. are divided into groups. The first of these is mechanical, which is fixed by gluing it to the front surfaces of the teeth and orthodontic wires are attached to these fixed attachments (brackets). This mechanic is called 'Buccal technique'. This mechanic is divided into 3:

-Porcelain brackets: It is a type of treatment in which aesthetic appearance comes first.

-Covered brackets: They are also called Self-Ligating brackets in the market. They have a metal appearance.& nbsp;

-Metal brackets: It is a type of bracket with a metal appearance.

The second mechanic is called the lingual technique. In this system, fixed attachments, which we call brackets, are glued to the back surfaces of the teeth, ensuring the confidentiality of the mechanics and are not visible in any way. The use of custom-made brackets in this technique is important for the efficiency of the treatment. Lingual technique is a more costly treatment type compared to the buccal technique. In the early stages of the treatment, temporary minor irritations in the tongue and speech difficulties may be observed due to the brackets being positioned on the back surface of the teeth.

The third mechanic is the treatment with transparent aligners. This technique also has personalized production, so it is a more expensive treatment type compared to the buccal technique in economic terms. Although the name of the technique is transparent plate, it is a system whose appearance is relatively noticeable. In treatment with transparent aligners, the aligners must be worn constantly throughout the day, except during meal times. Progress is made in the treatment by switching to the current plate in 3-week periods under the supervision of your doctor. The biggest advantage of this technique is that it can be used during important social events (weddings, meetings, etc.), and then the treatment can be continued where it left off.

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