Migraine Headache
Migraine is a complex headache with a recurring character. The pain often occurs on one side of the head. There is a throbbing headache of moderate or severe intensity. This headache usually increases with physical activities such as climbing stairs.
Migraine attacks last 4-72 hours. Nausea, vomiting, headache; It may be accompanied by sensitivity to sound and light. Some people may have complaints in the form of visual and sensory complaints, called aura, before the headache. Migraine is more common in women. Headache increases during menstrual periods. Migraine has familial characteristics.
Factors That Initiate Migraine:
Situations that initiate migraine may vary from person to person.
Such as insomnia or oversleeping. Deviation from daily life routine. Starving and fasting may trigger a migraine attack.
Bright, flashing, fluorescent lights; Sharp smells can trigger a migraine attack.
Caffeinated drinks, chocolate, cocoa, fermented foods, cheese, alcoholic beverages can trigger a migraine attack in some migraine patients.
Migraine Treatment:< br /> Before starting migraine treatment, brain imaging and blood tests are performed to check the possibility of another cause of pain.
Migraine treatment is planned according to the patient as a treatment for pain attacks and as a preventive treatment for the onset of pain. In people with frequent attacks, two treatments can be applied at once. It is generally recommended to avoid factors that trigger migraine.
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