Just as the hormones in the body change during pregnancy, the woman's psychology also begins to change, starting from the first
days. In this process, the effect of hormones on psychology cannot be denied. The pregnant woman
begins to become sensitive and emotional. Words that did not hurt him before may now become hurtful
. Things that she could say "oh never mind" and didn't care about before pregnancy may now become important for her. Her emotional state is like a wavy sea; she may suddenly start crying while smiling, or
vice versa.
She may already start to worry about the baby she is growing and carrying in her womb. In addition, there may be various additional concerns such as
how the birth will be done, whether any complications will develop during the birth, whether it will hurt a lot or a little during the birth, and in which hospital the birth will take place. It is certainly not only women, namely mothers, who have difficulties in this process. The husband, that is, the father, is experiencing difficulties just like the mother. He is faced with a woman who changes day by day (both physically and
spiritually), a changing sexual life, a life focused on the baby and birth, and a lot of conversations with the spouse. The fact that some of them are only related to the baby can also affect the spouse negatively.
A number of problems that start with this process and continue with the postpartum period, all come with us, along with our baby, like a full bag of bags taken with us from the hospital. There may often be ruptures between spouses in the post-pregnancy period. In the process of our newborn baby's adaptation to life, the mother's adaptation to being a mother, breastfeeding, and the father's adaptation to being a father, the woman only sees herself as a standing breast and forgets everything else, while her husband constantly pulls her hair down. The first few months of the baby's birth can be extremely challenging. >It is extremely important for spouses to have a good and quality ongoing relationship
in order to experience this difficult but beautiful thing. A baby doesn't save a marriage, it makes a good relationship even better.
If you live in Izmir and realize that you are having difficulties during the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy periods, be sure to get support from an expert.
I wish you to have children who will grow up in health, happiness and peace.
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