Childhood Eczema

The most important feature of childhood eczema is that the symptoms of this disease are not limited to the skin only, but also cause the development of different diseases in the nose, lungs, eyes and digestive system. These patients are more prone to diseases such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), allergic conjunctivitis and asthma. Food allergies to cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat and soy are also common in these children. Even if skin symptoms disappear later in life, patients should be followed for allergic rhinitis, asthma and asthma development. Because it is observed that 10-15 percent of patients with childhood eczema develop asthma in the following years

The strongest risk factor for the development of the disease is genetic predisposition, that is, the presence of an atopic disease in first-degree relatives. Having bacterial and viral infections in early childhood and using broad-spectrum antibiotics increase the risk. With increasing age, the severity of the disease and the frequency of recurrence decrease. Most cases regress spontaneously around the age of two.

Since the oil and sweat gland functions in the skin are inadequate in children until adolescence, moisturizing the skin is of great importance in every child, especially in children with childhood eczema.

Clinical symptoms manifest themselves with itchy, red, discharged or crusted sores on the cheeks and other parts of the face, the front of the legs, and the outside of the elbows, starting from a two-month period. In breastfed children, red, watery, crusty areas may occur around the mouth and cheeks as a result of the friction of the cheeks during sucking, and in children who begin to crawl, on the front of the legs and knees.


The main purpose of treatment is to It should be aimed at improving the protective barrier function of the skin, preventing exacerbations by avoiding triggering factors, and controlling attacks.


Triggering factors include low humidity, excessive heat and sweating, repeated water contact without applying moisturizer, stress, skin infections, contact with detergents, shampoos, harsh and drying soaps, and perfumes. personal care products, harsh-itchy clothing 's can be counted.


Adequate moisturizing of the skin is the first and most important step of the treatment. It is not appropriate to use olive oil as a humidifier.

Cotton clothes should be preferred for these children, a cold air steam device should be used if the environment is dry, and the ambient temperature should be adjusted so as not to cause sweating.

In these patients, childhood vaccinations should be used. If there is no known history of allergic reactions to vaccine components, vaccinations should be administered just like their peers. No special prevention or further testing is needed.


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