Under-Eye Light Filler

The skin's self-renewal process slows down after the age of 30. The skin begins to lose its moisture and becomes drier. In addition, fine lines begin to appear around the eyes and the skin is no longer as smooth as before. As we get older, bruises, pits and circles begin to appear under our eyes, resulting in a tired expression on the face.

What is Light Filling?

It is the general name of special hyaluronic acid-containing fillers designed to correct the hollowness under and around the eyes.

What are the Effects of Under-Eye Light Filler?

Under-eye light filler is a substance specially produced to be applied primarily to the under-eye area. This filler improves the under-eye pits and improves the skin quality around the eyes. Thanks to its restructuring feature, it is aimed to rejuvenate the eye area and reduce circles and bruises. If bruising is prominent along with hollowness, Mesotherapy can be added to the treatment.

Is Under-Eye Light Filling Permanent?

Under-Eye Filling can be permanent for an average of 12-18 days after it is applied, and even if it is not repeated, it does not get worse than before.

To Whom Can Under-Eye Light Filling Be Applied?

It is evident in the under-eye area. Under eye light filler is applied to patients with pits, bruises and rings. Since advancing age causes these effects to appear, light fillers are applied to rejuvenate the eye area and restructure the skin under the eyes. Patients who want to benefit from this application for other conditions can benefit from under-eye light filler by applying to experienced physicians and after a detailed examination.

Which areas are under-eye light fillers applied to?

Under-eye pits. It is applied for filling, restructuring and rejuvenation of the eye area. For this reason, the application area is around the eyes.

How Many Sessions Are Under-Eye Light Filler Applied?

Generally, under-eye light filler is applied in a single session and when necessary, 3-4 weeks. Minor corrections can be made later.


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