Anger and Anger Management Methods

Anger; It is normal to be felt by everyone, it is strong but can be learned to control,

it should not be denied and accepted, such as sadness, happiness, excitement, and it occurs in the face of situations or people that are perceived as a threat

It is a healthy feeling. Anger and

aggression are not the same thing. Aggression; It is the behavior that occurs when we cannot control our anger

. Anger provides awareness

of the attitude of you or the people around you, while providing you with a constructive benefit by warning that something needs to change in this regard

and motivation to correct an injustice


It supports action by providing.

Why do we get angry?

First of all, anger is not alone, it is only the tip of the iceberg

We must realize. Emotions such as jealousy, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, disappointment, fear, injustice, desire to control, and not being understood may be the invisible part of the iceberg.

Rushing, lack of space, being blocked are some of the factors that can cause anger to emerge.

When an unpleasant situation occurs, leaving the room, sulking or You may experience passive

aggressive anger by getting offended, and when something does not go well in your life, you may direct your anger towards yourself by blaming yourself

and devaluing yourself. You may experience the type of sudden anger that causes problems, you may show anger to suppress the feeling of shame as a result of a behavior

or you may use your anger

to get what you want in a planned way. It may be possible to experience one or more of these types of anger

What are the Negative Aspects of Anger?

Anger; It causes diseases and deterioration of the nervous system, affects your social relationships, and causes you to lose your dignity and feel lonely. While the decisions you make when you are angry

usually lead to negative consequences, they also cause remorse and

regret. Your enjoyment of life and quality of life decreases and it causes you to lose time.

Your anger gives symptoms in your body..

Remembering a moment when you were angry. , you can think about what physical symptoms you are experiencing at that moment

; Your breathing may become faster, your heartbeat may accelerate, your muscles may become tense or tremble, your throat may become dry, you may experience sweating and hot flushes, you may experience one or more symptoms such as hoarseness or clenching your teeth. Too much anger can dominate your body in times of anger.

What Behaviors Can Be Taken to Achieve Anger Control?

Determine your relaxation methods:

Taking a walk, You can determine methods that relax you, such as applying breathing exercises, taking a warm shower, calling a loved friend, doing sports.

Keep an anger diary:

When you feel anger. Think about what really makes you angry and what your physical symptoms are.

You can reduce the intensity of the feeling of anger by experiencing writing your feelings.

. Move away from the environment:

If your anger is very intense and you think that you cannot control your words or actions,

You can take an emotional break by moving away from the environment.

Do not disguise your anger:

Being from the Black Sea region, sweetheart Being sick or being a Gemini does not cause you to have anger management problems.

Make some arrangements:

Do not use words such as never or always whenever possible, Avoid making generalizations

, postpone making important decisions when you are angry, take time for yourself and include things that give you pleasure

into your life, and learn to say no.

“Anger can be controlled and remember, ANGER CONTROL; It is provided in the first moments when you start to feel anger, not after you destroy it. >

If you think it does, please do not forget to get support from an expert.

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