The concept of pregnancy, the first moment when the expectant mother learns that she is pregnant, is a very special and unique period. During this period, expectant mothers may go through emotional, psychological and physical changes. It is very important for both themselves and the baby that they do not experience this period randomly and that they become conscious. If the expectant mother, who is aware that she will experience some changes, knows how to cope with such situations, will experience the pregnancy period quite comfortably.
It is extremely normal for expectant mothers to encounter some changes in the first months of pregnancy. While these are concepts such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue and insomnia, they may exhibit a more psychologically depressive attitude for the first month. (This process may be longer in unwanted pregnancies.) In addition, adding the title of parents rather than just being husband and wife and limiting their social lives compared to the past will put more responsibility on people.
When our expectant mother learned that she was pregnant for the first time, she felt joy. And after sharing his excitement with those around him, he may start to feel some anxiety when he returns to normal life. At the beginning of this, we encounter thoughts such as how will I take care of my baby, will I be enough for him, will my weight increase, will I lose weight after birth? Stress arising from these thoughts can negatively affect both the baby, the expectant mother, and relationships.Therefore, from the moment you enter the pregnancy process, moving forward with spousal support and expert support will minimize your anxiety and fears.
In addition, when you are worried about not being as attractive to your partner as before, going on a diet or going on a diet is not an approved type of behavior. The target point here is the baby, and it is extremely important to act with the baby in mind, to feed and rest accordingly.
The importance of the expectant mothers' relationship with their own mothers is very important in this period. It is quite normal for individuals who have a conflicting relationship and communication with the mother to reconcile the situation with themselves and feel doubt and anxiety during pregnancy.
Spouse support is a very important factor during and after pregnancy. The expectant mother, who is experiencing a spiritual change, is also deprived of the support of her spouse. Unfortunately, when it does, it can be exposed to more stress and distress. That's why spousal support is very important at this point. The first thing to do is for the spouses to show great patience and understanding.
Staying away from tense environments as much as possible during the pregnancy, keeping communication levels strong and good, and participating in activities that allow participation are an unconditional part of making this process more comfortable.
Your communication with your doctor, informing and guiding you on every issue, is an integral part of this process. The feeling of trust you establish with your doctor is one of the first steps in eliminating the concerns and thoughts you experience. If the duration of psychological changes during pregnancy is long, if you feel unhappy and thoughtful, and if the depressive state and attitude have not disappeared yet, getting support from a specialist is something you should not postpone.
Finally, during the pregnancy process. Types of terotegens that negatively affect the baby are listed below.
Teratogen: Exposure of the mother to harmful effects during pregnancy.
1) Prescription and non-prescription drugs. (Including vitamins. )
- It can cause damage to intelligence. The child may be born deformed.
- Antidepressants negatively affect the baby's breathing.
2) Caffeine (More than 100mg per day is harmful. )
3) Illegal pills
- Physical appearance, premature baby, baby who can't calm down , sleep disorder, mental disorders.
4) Tobacco
- Miscarriage, premature birth, underweight of the newborn, childhood cancers, asthma, heart rhythm disorder
5) Alcohol
- Physical structure, facial disorder, mental retardation, genital organ disorders
6) Radiation
- Radiation rays seriously increase the risk of cancer in the baby.
7) Environmental Pollution
Pollution in air and water, GMO foods
8) Infectious Diseases
> - Colds may pose a risk during pregnancy. (It may cause deafness, delayed walking, and mental retardation.)
Do not act without consulting your doctor, especially when using medication.
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