Coffee Extends Your Life!
Consumption of up to five cups of coffee a day plays a very important role in terms of both mental and physical health and longevity.
According to the results of two large studies published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on August 10, 2017;
It significantly reduces the risk of death from different causes.
Coffee increases blood pressure, but contrary to what is thought, coronary artery disease. It reduces the risk of disease, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. Coffee reduces the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and inflammatory markers.
According to a meta-analysis, consumption of 1-6 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of stroke by 17%.
Various studies show that coffee improves glucose metabolism when consumed regularly. It shows that it has a positive effect on insulin secretion and significantly reduces the occurrence of diabetes.
Coffee consumption also has a reducing effect on various cancers.
If we ask how much coffee we should drink for which cancers;
-Endometrium cancer (more than 4 cups per day)
-Prostate cancer (more than 6 cups per day)
-Head and neck cancer (4 cups per day)
-Breast cancer (more than 5 cups per day)
-Basal cell carcinoma (more than 3 cups per day)
-Colorectal cancers (more than 3 cups per day) More than 2.5 cups)
(This effect of coffee is due to its antioxidant and antimutagenic properties)
Coffee, which has both short-term and long-term benefits on our cognitive functions, slows down dementia and is neuroprotective in Parkinson's disease. It is known to reduce the speed with its effect.
A study showing that coffee has a protective role for mental health and depression has shown that those who consume 4 cups or more per day develop 20% less depression than those who consume 1 cup per week. While coffee affects our mental state in the short term by increasing serotonin and dopamine activity, it has an effect in the long term with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
The effect of coffee consumption on the liver is also organ-protective. Coffee, which slows down the progression of Hepatitis C and Alcoholic Cirrhosis and reduces the risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, also has the effect of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Carcinoma. It has also been found to have effects in preventing the progression to cirrhosis in lung disease or reducing the occurrence of this disease (NAFLD).
In another study, it has also been found to relieve dry eye syndrome, reduce the risk of gout disease, and for an unknown reason, reduce the risk of MRSA infection.
Saying that every good thing has a price, they also looked at the health problems that come with coffee and found increased blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, tremors and increased risk of glaucoma to be significant risks. Let me also point out that 100 cups of coffee a day is fatal.
In conclusion, even if it did not have many proven benefits, I would continue to drink coffee for the sake of it. Since a cup of coffee has 40 years of memory, let's drink it with our friends and chat.
Stay with love
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