No child cries without a reason. There is always a physical or psychological reason behind every crying. The first thing to do is to understand this problem. Your child may be crying because a real physical need is not being met. He may be crying because he cannot get something he wants or because he is resisting eating. The child definitely has a justified reason for crying. At this point, in order to calm the child down, we must first understand his problem and make the child feel that he is understood. Just like adults, children have emotions and they want to be understood and felt heard.
First of all, understand your child's feelings. If the reason for his crying is anger, understand his anger. Make reflections on your child such as “You are very angry right now, I understand you” or “You are very sad right now, I can understand you”. When you approach by expressing emotions in this way, your child will begin to feel psychologically relaxed and calm.
If he cries because he cannot get something he wants, explain why his wish did not come true. Take your child who is crying because he/she cannot achieve something and explain the reasons to him/her. For example, your child may be crying because you didn't buy the chocolate he wanted at the supermarket. In such cases, you can talk about the damage that eating too much chocolate can do to your teeth. Afterwards, you can offer an alternative. For example, you can give your child the right to choose by offering different options such as "We cannot buy this chocolate today, but if we want, we can buy a chocolate of your choice when we come next time."
Do not let him get what he wants because he cries. By telling the child not to cry, as long as he/she stays quiet, sometimes parents can immediately give the child the object he wants or allow him to perform the behavior he wants to do. Such situations are actually extremely wrong attitudes. Because by doing this, the child will develop the perception that "I cried and what I wanted was done, so I can achieve anything by crying", and this is a very dangerous situation. That's why I always advise parents not to say "no" to a situation where they would say "yes" when the child cries. Because when done this way, at least a wrong learning pattern will not be developed in the child.
When children cry, they need their parents' calmness and understanding the most. Always bend to your child's level and respond to his or her feelings. This attitude of yours will also calm your child and allow him to express himself more easily.
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