Elevated liver enzymes are called hepatitis and are an indicator of inflammation. The cause of inflammation may be oil, alcohol, germs, medications, chemicals or bile obstruction. A person with hepatitis may have complaints such as fatigue, fatigue, abdominal pain, yellowing of the eyes, and nausea. If elevation is found in tests called liver enzymes, it should be investigated. Because if hepatitis is left untreated, it can cause cirrhosis, cancer and even sudden death. Recently, the increasing use of herbal medicines in our society can cause serious damage to the liver. A simple painkiller or herbal tea that is good for someone else may cause rapid liver damage and death for you. The most classic example of this situation is mushroom poisoning. It is not clear which mushrooms collected from nature contain substances that are toxic to the liver.
The prevalence of obesity increases fatty liver. Cirrhosis and liver cancer are seen in people who have had hepatitis due to fatty liver for many years.
Hepatitis viruses are among the viruses that cause inflammation in the liver. There are types of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. There are effective vaccines against Hepatitis A and B. Since the D virus cannot cause disease without the B virus, protection is possible with vaccination. Unfortunately, hepatitis viruses are 2-3 times more common in our country than in developed countries. Because sufficient information has not yet been transferred to the society. On the other hand, many people are prejudiced against vaccination. A person who does not vaccinate himself and his family should not look for another culprit when hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer and death occur in the future.
A blood test is essential to investigate whether hepatitis is present. First of all, simple whole blood and liver enzymes should be checked, and even if these are normal, anti-HAV IgM, IgG, HBsAg, anti-HBc IgG, anti-HBs, anti-HCV should be checked. In addition, evaluation of the liver by ultrasonography is also very important and necessary. Anyone who has no prior knowledge of this condition should consult a gastroenterology or internal medicine specialist as soon as possible for these evaluations.
Hepatitis viruses are transmitted to the person externally. Hepatitis A and E viruses are transmitted through food and drinks. Hepatitis B, C and D viruses are transmitted through blood or sexual contact. Transmission through blood is most common in dental Treatments are provided by unhealthy barbershops and manicure and pedicure salons. In addition, procedures such as tattooing and piercing, which have become widespread in recent years, also allow the spread of hepatitis viruses.
As a result, hepatitis is a disease that can often be prevented. For this, the necessary vaccinations must be made, the fight against obesity, herbal treatments should not be viewed as natural and harmless, and risky people must be under close medical supervision.
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