Benefits of Fruits Consumed in Winter

Pear: Pear, which is a juicy and sweet fruit, should be consumed before meals. It has a yellow or green color due to its rich carotene content. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and C.

Quince: Quince, a golden yellow colored fruit with a pleasant smell, contains vitamins A and B, high amounts of potassium, tannin and lime salts. It gives vitality. Since the seeds contain high amounts of pectin, they can be boiled and drunk as an anti-diarrheal remedy. It is used in the treatment of bronchitis, chronic cough and tuberculosis.

Apple: It has high vitamin A and C content. It is also used to treat both diarrhea and constipation because it contains soluble and insoluble fibers. It should also be consumed frequently to protect against colon cancer. Strengthens the immune system; It facilitates digestion.

Grapefruit: Rich in Vitamin C, grapefruit is beneficial for the immune system. However, if you are taking medication, you should be careful.

Kiwi: Kiwi, which is a source of vitamin C, is useful to fight infections and prevent skin defects.

Tangerine: With its rich vitamin C content, it is especially useful in cold winter months. It strengthens our defense mechanism against cold, cold and flu. It reduces high blood pressure with its high potassium content.

Pomegranate: It should be consumed frequently as it strengthens the immune system. Contains folic acid, vitamins A and C. It can also be used in cases of fatigue, as it contains a lot of minerals such as selenium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Orange: Orange, which is a source of vitamin C and folic acid, strengthens the immune system and is good for anemia.

*It is also important to consume freshly squeezed fruit juices, both to meet the need for vitamin C and to contribute to fluid intake. The important thing when consuming fruit juices is to consume them immediately after squeezing. Because waiting for fruit juice causes vitamin C to decrease.

*Vitamin E is also effective in strengthening the immune system. It increases body resistance against colds and other infections and prevents vitamin A from oxidizing. Good sources of vitamin E; It is important to consume green leafy vegetables, oily seeds such as hazelnuts and walnuts, and dried legumes in sufficient quantities. It is.

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