If you have the Insufficient limits and self-control scheme, some of the following will be very familiar to you:
- I get very excited when a new plan/idea comes to my mind, but once it starts, it doesn't come back or over time I lose interest.
- I have a hard time focusing and concentrating for long periods of time.
- Sometimes I feel like I have an energy that I can't get rid of.
- I have a lot of energy, but this energy is useful I feel like I can't do something.
- I get bored very quickly.
- I find it very difficult/can't keep up with boring or routine tasks.
- I get distracted very quickly while doing a task
- I can't stand disturbing emotions.
- I experience emotions such as sadness, fear, anger as if they explode.
- I make plans, but I don't follow them.
- I can't postpone my short-term pleasures for a long-term goal.
- I have done something on a spur of the moment and I regret it later.
- I am often late for events.
- One of my friends
- I am a messy, disorganized person.
- I avoid taking responsibility and taking on tasks because I find it very difficult to complete them.
- I don't promise people about attending events because I may arrive late or I may not be able to go that day.
If you have an Inadequate Boundaries and Self-Control scheme, you may have childhood experiences like the following
Insufficient Boundaries and Self-Control scheme life How it affects your work:
- You lack a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment because your work and plans are incomplete.
- You feel inadequate or insecure.
- Because you react without thinking You experience problems at work and in your relationships. You may even get into legal trouble.
- You may feel as if your life is not on a meaningful course, and you may feel like you are drifting off.
- You feel like you're made up of failures.
- Depression and alcohol use due to feelings of failure and inadequacy you may become prone to abuse.
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