It can be difficult for us to do housework, study, and self-care while we continue our daily lives. Almost all of us experience various problems from time to time. may want to watch a movie or play a game with our friends. In this case, our priority should be to study for the next day's exam. In fact, taking care of different things instead of studying makes us happy and relieved for a while. At this point, the important thing is to make sense of the importance of the things we have to do in terms of our lives. Studying for that exam, repeating our lessons, and then the exams we will take during our education life and the lessons we need to study are actually small steps we need to take in order to have a good career in the future. When our goals are not clear, our work is less important to us, and we lose our desire for them. Our willingness to be able to do a job requires that this job is primarily for a need of ours. For example, in order to be willing to study, we must first clarify our future goals (such as having a good job, climbing the career ladder successfully). How much we are willing to meet our needs on the way to achieving our goals is one of the most important conditions that determines the strengthening of our motivation.
The more we love what we do and the better it is for us, the more our motivation level will actually increase. Whether we encounter a reward or punishment as a result of our work is how much we enjoy it, how much we love our work and how motivated we are to do it. are among the factors that determine bananas. While meeting our physical needs, paying attention to our self-care and strengthening our social support resources affect our motivation positively, not paying attention to them can negatively affect our motivation.
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