To ensure fertilization by injecting sperm into the egg; It is called microinjection (intracytoplasmic sperm injection/ICSI).
What is Microinjection?
The process of ensuring fertilization by injecting sperm into the egg; It is called microinjection (intracytoplasmic sperm injection/ICSI).
In the IVF treatment process; After stimulating the ovaries with drugs and providing egg development, the eggs are collected and stored in special media (culture medium) in the laboratory for a certain period of time. .
Sperm taken by ejaculation or other surgical methods (TESA, TESE, MicroTESE) are subjected to special processes with 'sperm preparation' techniques and quality sperm are separated.
In microinjection method; A live sperm is placed inside an egg using special tools (micromanipulator) and stored in special environments (incubators) that mimic the mother's uterus. Thus, it is tried to ensure that the sperm enters the egg and fertilization occurs.
The fertilization of the egg in the microinjection method; that is, the probability of the sperm and egg to unite is higher than under normal conditions (under normal conditions, the sperm finds the egg by itself and ensures fertilization). One of these nuclei originates from the mother and the other from the father.
In the microinjection method, fertilization is observed in 40%-70% of mature eggs. These rates may decrease depending on the deterioration in sperm or egg quality. Sometimes there may be no fertilization at all.
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