What is Obesity

As a society, we love to eat, especially if it comes from skillful hands. However, each calorie consumed in excess will eventually be stored as fat. So, let's try to find an answer to the question of what is obesity and how does obesity occur?

The human body consists of cells, each specialized to perform different tasks, and these cells need energy to live.

Energy must be constant and sufficient. level is essential for life. Energy is the key to a constantly ongoing cycle for the human body.

Continuous and sufficient energy.

The critical word in the formation of obesity is Adequate Energy.

So what is sufficient energy? What does it mean?

Basal metabolism is the amount of energy our body spends at rest. The energy required for basal metabolism is the minimum energy required for a cell to continue living.

Sufficient energy consists of the sum of the amount of energy spent for basal metabolism and the amount of energy required for physical activity.

The critical level for obesity occurs when more nutrients are consumed than are sufficient for basal metabolism and daily physical activities. The answer to the question of what is obesity lies here.

In order to be prepared for a possible starvation situation, our body shows a series of involuntary hormonal reflexes in case of consuming more food than necessary. Energy consumed more than needed will be stored in fat tissue.

If this cycle continues in the direction of excess energy, the amount of stored fat increases considerably. So much so that the amount stored exceeds the capacity of the fat tissue and fat begins to accumulate in organs such as the liver and pancreas. Fatty deposits are observed in every area, from under the skin to the heart vessels.

Thus, we learn the answer to the question of what obesity is. Obesity is a set of diseases that occur as a result of fat accumulation in the whole body.

Please click to get information about the diseases caused by obesity.

Stay Healthy..

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