What is a Sleep Test? Types of Sleep Tests

Sleep tests are called polysomnography to record brain waves during sleep, to detect oxygen levels, and to avoid diagnosing sleep disorders. The tests also help diagnose problems with breathing and heartbeat during sleep. These tests are done in a hospital or specialized sleep center. In these recordings made during sleep, the quality of the stages of sleep and the symptoms seen in these stages are observed. Studies are usually done on night sleep.

What is a Night Sleep Test? How is it done?

The night sleep test is the method used to calculate the number and duration of dream periods, deep sleep periods and awakening reactions after the sleep stages are determined for approximately 7 hours of shooting by attaching electrodes to the head and chin of the patient hospitalized in the sleep laboratory.

Electrodes are attached to certain parts of the body and the patient is monitored and recorded. These are:

With the position sensor, it is determined in which position the patient has an increase in respiratory arrest. br> The next day, the whole night shot was watched again by the responsible doctor and the patient;
After this process, called scoring, the patient's sleep apnea index or other abnormal respiratory events, sleep leg movements and A detailed report including other diseases detected during sleep is prepared by the doctor.

What is the Daytime Sleep Test/Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MULT)?

Some of the patients with excessive daytime sleepiness can't sleep in the night test.
In a group of these patients, narcolepsy causing excessive sleepiness may not be detected. A daytime sleep test is performed to investigate the disease or idiopathic hypersomnia.

In this test, called Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MULT), the patient is hospitalized for a total of 5 sleeps every 2 hours, and the diagnosis is reached by monitoring the time to fall asleep, and if he has fallen asleep, whether he has entered the REM phase during this time. .

To Who, When and How Should Sleep Tests Be Performed?
