What is Caesarean?
Cesarean; It is the delivery of the fetus, placenta and membranes by making an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. The most common operation in the world is cesarean section. Caesarean section is an operation that requires anesthesia.
What are the reasons for cesarean section?
The most common >caesarean section reason; previous cesarean section, cephalopelvic disproportion, impaired fetal heartbeat and breech presentation (reverse presentation).
When is the compatibility between the baby and the birth canal evaluated? How is it evaluated?
Cephalopelvic disproportion:Whether the birth canal is suitable for birth or not is determined by pelvic examination. However, to make a definitive decision, one must wait for the birth to begin. When labor pains begin; The cervix softens and begins to open. During this time period, it becomes easier to reach the baby and its compatibility with the birth canal is evaluated more clearly. When the baby's head and the birth canal are not suitable, a caesarean section should be performed.
How can it be understood that the birth is not progressing?
With or without having given birth before. In case the cervix does not open in the second stage of labor, if the dilation stops or slows down, and if the descent slows down or stops, a caesarean section should be performed, considering the incompatibility between the baby and the birth canal. What to do when heartbeats decrease?
During labor, the baby's heartbeats are monitored intermittently in NST. When a bad condition is detected in NST; Caesarean section should be performed.
Is having myoma surgery a reason for cesarean section? Why?
Myoma surgery; It is the removal of myoma tissue from the uterine muscle (myometrium) by making an incision in the uterus. After the myoma is removed, the remaining tissue is stitched according to the same anatomy. But the healing tissue becomes weaker. During the time when labor pains continue, rupture (dehiscence) occurs at the old sewn place. Bleeding with rupture can seriously endanger the life of mother and baby. It also puts you at risk.
The same mechanism as previous cesarean section is the reason for cesarean section.
Pregnancy poisoning (preeclampsia) Is it a reason for cesarean section?
Preeclampsia; Once diagnosed, the definitive treatment is birth. The baby, placenta and membranes should be removed as quickly as possible. If there is no urgency in the mother's clinical condition and her blood pressure can be controlled, a cervical examination is performed to make a decision. degree of preparation for birth. By scoring; The decision on susceptibility to normal birth is made. If the decision is positive, artificial pain is performed. If it is negative, a caesarean section decision should be made. In case of any complications due to high blood pressure, cesarean section should be performed.
Is placenta previa a reason for cesarean section?
Placenta previa: is the implantation of the baby's placenta into the cervix or close to the cervix. When real pains begin in the uterus, the diameter of the lower layer of the uterus, which is shaped like an inverted pear, begins to expand. If a part of the placenta is stuck here, when there are contractions in the uterus, it will separate from where it is attached and cause serious bleeding that will affect the life of the mother and baby. Because; Placenta previa is definitely a reason for cesarean section.
What causes cord prolapse? Should a caesarean section be performed immediately?
36. After the first week, the amnion (water) in which the baby is located no longer increases. The baby continues to grow. The baby's head, which is usually in head position, is directed towards the birth canal. Since the head is large, it fills the entrance of the birth canal and mostly does not allow the cord to hang down from the sides. In cases where the amnion is large, the head cannot fill the pelvis completely and the umbilical cord hangs down from the side of the head when the amniotic membrane suddenly opens. The blood flow that nourishes the baby in the umbilical cord must continue. But in case of sagging; If the umbilical cord becomes compressed between the head and the birth canal, blood flow stops. The umbilical cord should be taken for caesarean section immediately, preserving it. Baby being breech, Twin pregnancy etc.may lead to cord prolapse.
Is placenta abruption (ablation placenta) a reason for cesarean section?
At birth, the baby comes out first, then the placenta separates. Placental abruption is when a part of the placenta that feeds the baby separates from the uterine wall it feeds on before the baby is born. In this case, the baby's blood flow may decrease. The mother may start bleeding. A caesarean section should be performed in case of complications in the mother and baby.
Is uterine fibroid a reason for caesarean section?
Most women may have many large and small myomas. As long as it does not block the birth canal, myoma is not a reason for cesarean section.
Is herpes infection a reason for cesarean section?
Cesarean section should be performed in active herpes infections.
Should cesarean section be performed in HPV infections?
In active cases, the mother's If there are warts in the genital area, a cesarean section can be performed. This active period may cause warts in the baby's larynx that will make breathing difficult.
Should in vitro fertilization patients have a cesarean section?
There is no difference in the preferences of in vitro fertilization patientsnormal birthand cesarean section.
What are the preparations for cesarean section? should be done?
Ultrasound should definitely be done. In cases where the baby's position (reverse, transverse) is different, different maneuvers may be required to remove the baby after the incision into the uterus. Knowing the difference in position beforehand will provide more control when starting a cesarean section. It is important to know the location of the placenta. If there is a placenta right behind the incision to be made in the uterus, the baby may need to be removed more quickly. Especially in twin pregnancies; Since the babies' positions will be likely to be different, performing an ultrasound beforehand will make it easier to remove the second baby.
In which week should Caesarean section be performed? The right timing for Caesarean section? What are the benefits of pregnancy for mother and baby?
The most important decision before Caesarean section; is to decide on the date of cesarean section. If a patient is going to have a cesarean section for the first time; Although it varies depending on the reason for cesarean section, the 39th week must be completed. Is there a match between the last menstrual date and the ovulation time? It should be evaluated very well. The patient who will have a cesarean section for the first time will make the cesarean section easier if the patient experiences pain for a while. The lower diameter of the pear-shaped uterus will expand due to the effect of false contractions after the 36th week. This expansion; it is actually a result of cervical preparation. During this process, the incision we make in this lower part will be larger and it will be easier to remove the baby's head from the uterus. Again, the incision opened from the bottom; It will reduce the risk of adhesion after cesarean section. Waiting for 39 weeks or waiting for cervical preparation; What does it bring for the baby? When the baby is ready to be born; A hormone is secreted from the baby's adrenal gland. This hormone indicates that the baby's lungs are ready for breathing. Waiting for the maturity of the cervix; We leave the birth time decision to the baby again.
Is blood preparation required before cesarean section?
Active bleeding, HELLP syndrome, preeclampsia, placenta previa Strong> blood preparation should be done in such cases.
What should be done before cesarean section?
Sedatives are not given. The vascular access is opened. Giving 1000 cc of serum before cesarean section reduces the headache that may occur after cesarean section due to regional anesthesia. Surgical area cleaning (shaving) can be done.
Regional anesthesia for caesarean section? Should general anesthesia be preferred?
Regional anesthesia is preferred. Since the anesthesia does not pass to the baby, the baby becomes more active and begins breathing immediately. Mother and baby contact is established earlier.
How is a cesarean section performed?
After the necessary surgical area cleaning is done; The skin is cut with a phannensteil incision. The subcutaneous section is cut. The abdominal wall fascia is cut with the same parallelism. The abdominal wall is entered in a controlled manner . The uterus is reached. An incision is made in the middle of the narrower part of the inverted pear-shaped uterus (kerr). The incision is widened towards the edges of the uterus, parallel to the uterine vessels on both sides of the uterus. The right hand is placed under the baby's head and the baby is delivered by providing driving force to the part of the uterus close to the stomach (fundus). In situations where there is no head position, various maneuvers may be required. After the baby comes out; Separation of the placenta is ensured by massaging the uterus without rushing. This waiting period will reduce unnecessary bleeding. Sudden separation of the placenta increases bleeding. After the placenta separates, the inside of the uterus is checked for placental attachments and amniotic membranes. Then, the uterus, tubes and ovaries are taken out of the abdomen. To take the uterus out of the abdomen; It makes planting easier and has no harm. Cervical dilatation is checked. If there is no opening, the cervix is opened. If it is not opened, the blood in the uterus accumulates inside, stretching the uterus and preventing the uterus from contracting and stopping the bleeding. The uterine incision is stitched using single or double layers of stitches. After the uterus is thrown back to the abdominal wall, all layers are stitched again.
Can myoma surgery be performed during cesarean section?
Myomas may occur in 0.3-7% of pregnancies. Myoma; If it is stalked and outside the uterine layers; It can be removed by cutting the stem without any bleeding. However, removing fibroids within the uterine muscle is often not recommended. As the uterus grows for 9 months, blood flow increases. As the blood flow increases, the blood flow of the fibroids in the uterus also increases and the myomas grow. Removing these fibroids causes excessive bleeding because their vascularity increases greatly. At the same time, postpartum myomas return to their pre-pregnancy size. The decision for simultaneous myomectomy with cesarean section should be taken correctly.
Tubal ligation during cesarean section reduces the duration of the surgery. Does it extend? Is there any medical harm to tubal ligation?
It takes a maximum of 5 minutes. There is no medical risk.
Can the baby get a cut during a cesarean section?
During a cesarean section womb
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