Metabolism rate is an important step that determines how many calories you consume in losing weight, gaining weight and maintaining weight. There are many factors that affect metabolic rate and it varies from person to person. It is affected by many conditions such as age, gender, body composition, hormones and stress. That's why not everyone has the same metabolic rate. While some people do not gain weight even though they eat too much, others gain weight even though they do not eat much.
Most individuals think that they will have difficulty losing weight by saying that their metabolism is slow during the slimming process. However, the metabolism is constantly working without getting tired. Metabolic rate decreases by only 10% during sleep.
While some of your friends or family members eat as they wish and do not gain weight, you are constantly on a diet. However, even though you pay attention to what you eat and exercise, you may not be at the weight you are happy with. One of the reasons for this is the metabolic rate.
It is the mistakes made that slow down the metabolic rate the most, which is one of the important points affecting the slimming process. We slow down the constantly working metabolism with wrong diets. According to research, low-calorie diets, weight loss and regain in a short time, or consuming very little food for a long time cause a serious and permanent decrease in metabolic rate by 20-50%.
Weight loss in early summer. Many diet mistakes made with the onset of passion will slow down the metabolism even more. The weight gained throughout the year is tried to be lost in 1 month, and most of it is muscle and water.
Many factors affect the metabolic rate and we can only change some of them. We cannot change some factors such as gender, age, genetics. But there is a lot we can do about the factors you can change.
So what can we do to increase the metabolic rate?
Do Your Exercises Regularly
Drink Water and Lose Weight
Lose Your Weight from Fat
Don't Stay Hungry and Don't Skip Snacks
Consume Green Tea
Choose Foods High in Fiber
Protein Balanced Take Care
Increase Your Calcium Consumption
Benefit from Caffeine
Increase Spices
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