Being a Creditor Since Childhood!

This title may have struck you. I made a mental note of this word from a place where I can't remember who pronounced it. This is a situation I frequently encounter among my clients over time. In my previous blog post, I mentioned that it is very valuable to know the language of our emotions well and to ask ourselves from time to time how we feel and what emotion we are currently experiencing. Please read that blog post too!

During the process of my individual therapies, my clients usually find and unearth very valuable pieces from their childhood. Bitter or sweet, they are all valuable to us today. Being able to reach and touch it is very valuable. In the About Me section, I talked about the family-child relationships I have researched on and the articles I have published. During my university years, during my volunteer internships, in nurseries and education centers, I always observed children with special needs. As a result of my observations and research, I published a special article with my research on the divorce rates of these children and their families. In this blog, beyond academic language, I would like to present to you all the information and observations I have acquired so far, in their simplest, most understandable, concise form. I hope that even an article you read will feel like therapy to you. Even after graduating as a psychologist, completing my master's degree and becoming an expert, I continue my education. In the process, I intend to convey the essence of all this in a way that will be good for you. In this blog post, I want to delve into the topic of "being a creditor from childhood" for some people. If the spiritual development we experience in childhood, in the family we are born into, is a painful process, it may also appear as spiritual pain in adulthood. We are in the information age and there are more and more conscious parents. Isn't the importance of the first thousand days for children and the subsequent period between the ages of 0-7 important? In this information age we are in, as a parent, you may care about this situation and read many resource books. When we become conscious and develop behavioral models for our children, we actually draw inspiration from our own childhood. Mostly without realizing it! Our attachment styles This is how we develop our skills both with our child and with our environment. Just as it is important to know the language of our emotions well, knowing our attachment style takes us to a more conscious level. In this case, we can analyze the attachment styles of our spouse and everyone around us. I would like to delve deeper into the topic of attachment styles in a blog post. Love the child inside you! Do you hear this saying a lot? Yes, love and compassion are magical things! But with this article, I wanted to direct your attention in another direction. Grow your inner child! Yes, hold the hand of that child inside you and raise it! It is possible to become an adult, raise the child within you and thus live a better life. You may not be able to achieve this on your own. Instead of going through a painful process alone with inner voices and conflicts, it is possible to live a good and balanced life by getting therapy support!

Me on behalf of the things we generally experience in common so that you can experience spiritual lightness I will continue to write here again. Please take a step for yourself! I believe that every childhood period and every story is unique and unique. Being a full adult means being able to accept and welcome what is beyond the definitions of good or bad in relationships and events. All the consultancies I provide as an expert, gathered under the title Therapies, contain sensitive connections with each other. An internal problem that you cannot solve may be affecting all your relationships and life without you realizing it.

Hope to see you in other blog posts...



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