Progressive supranuclear palsy disease, also known as Steele-Richardson-Olszewski, is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease of unknown cause that occurs equally in men and women over the age of 60. It is thought to occur as a result of the accumulation of a protein called tau in the brain. It is not a genetic disease nor is it associated with environmental factors. Symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease are observed, and MRI shows shrinkage in the midbrain and frontal lobe sections, which may help in diagnosing Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP).
In patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy;
Slow walking and stiffness
Balance problems and falling
Vision Problems
Cognitive and Emotional Problems
Speech Problems are observed.
The speech of PSP patients is rough, lisping, hoarse and moan-like. Monotonous speech, which we call dysarthria and is also seen in Parkinson's patients, can also be seen in these people, but their voices are harsher due to spastic involvement. It may also be accompanied by speech disorders such as articulation disorders, impaired speech fluency (stuttering) and speaking with a strained (harsh) voice. The person knows how the rhythm of speech should be, but cannot adjust the rhythm of speech due to involuntary repetition, prolongation or interruption of a sound. As it becomes difficult to communicate verbally with their relatives in daily life, people's quality of life is negatively affected, and as a result, patients may experience social and emotional isolation and withdrawal.
There is no drug treatment for this disease, but its symptoms can be reduced with dopamine drugs in the early stages. However, dopamine has no effect in later periods. Physiotherapy exercises can be started early for walking, fluid movement and balance problems. It may be beneficial to start speech therapy early for speech and swallowing difficulties that may cause pneumonia and malnutrition.
As a result of a clinical study conducted with Lee Silverman Voice Therapy, which is standardized and evidence-based in its effectiveness in Parkinson's patients, Lee Silverman Voice Therapy's Progressive Surpanuclear It has also been shown to be effective in palsy patients.
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