The structure located on the sides and back of the larynx and forming the beginning part of the esophagus (esophagus) is called hypopharynx (lower pharynx). There are 3 basic areas in the lower pharynx, like the larynx:
- Posterior wall of the pharynx
- Piriform sinus (the parts that form the side walls of the lower pharynx on the sides of the larynx)
- Post -cricoid region (the part that lies behind the larynx and forms the front wall of the lower pharynx)
We can think of this region, which directs what we eat and drink to the esophagus, as the part that surrounds the larynx from the sides and back and forms the beginning of the esophagus. p>
Lower Pharynx Cancer (hypopharynx cancer) is a malignant tumor that develops from the layer called mucosa covering the surface of one of these three regions. Among these 3 regions, the region where tumors are most frequently located and where treatment results are most satisfactory compared to other regions is the piriform sinus region. The post-cricoid region is the region where tumors are most rarely located among these 3 regions, and the patients are generally young women.
This condition, in which post-cricoid region tumors are present together with anemia due to iron deficiency and difficulty in swallowing, is called Plummer-Vinson syndrome.
What are the causes of hypopharynx cancer?
The causes of lower pharyngeal cancer are similar to laryngeal cancer. Except for Plummer-Vinson disease, the cause of which is unknown, patients are generally middle- and older-aged men who consume excessive alcohol and tobacco products.
What are the Symptoms of Hypopharynx Cancer?
Hypopharynx cancer generally occurs with the following symptoms:
- Difficulty in swallowing, feeling of getting stuck
- Swelling-mass formation in the neck area
- Persistent voice change, voice cracking and hoarseness
- Pain when swallowing, pain in the ear
- Blood in saliva and sputum
- Decreased appetite and weight loss in advanced stages
How is Hypopharynx Cancer Treated?
Treatment of hypopharynx cancer is similar to the treatment of tumors of the neighboring organ, the larynx, and varies depending on the location of the disease in the lower pharynx, its spread and the stage of the disease.
The patient's disease is slightly more severe compared to throat cancer The chance of getting rid of this in-stage disease will be higher by using surgery, radiotherapy (radiation therapy) and even chemotherapy (drug treatment) options together.
In this disease, the larynx is often affected by the disease and It may need to be removed during surgery. In patients undergoing surgery, it may sometimes be necessary to move skin-containing tissues from surrounding areas to the neck area to repair and close the gap created when the diseased part of the pharynx and larynx are removed.
If removal of the larynx is not desired, simultaneous application of radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be the way to go.
In this disease, the probability of involvement of the lymph nodes in the neck is higher than in laryngeal cancer, and most of the time, when the patient consults the doctor, there is swelling on the sides of the neck. For this reason, when surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy options are applied, treatment of the neck must be added to the treatment.
In this disease, the risks of surgery, post-operative course and progression of the disease if left untreated are the same as in laryngeal cancer.
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