Actually, there is no such disease as toxic goiter, there is toxic goiter. I specifically wrote the poisonous definition as a title to draw attention to the mistake in this regard. The gland called the thyroid gland, which produces thyroid hormone, is located on the front of our neck, just below the protrusion called "Adam's Apple". Any kind of enlargement of the thyroid gland is called goiter. The disease that occurs when excess thyroid hormone is secreted from this hormone-producing organ is called toxic goiter. The word toxic literally means “poisonous”. However, the meaning attached to this word means "in large enough quantities to harm the body's physiology" rather than poison, otherwise it is not possible for the thyroid gland, which is a part of our body, to produce poison. Thyroid hormone excess is more common in women than in men. Thyrod hormone is responsible for the development of the baby in the womb, its growth after birth and into adulthood, and the regulation of the body's metabolism in childhood, adulthood and old age, that is, in all periods of life. Many vital events occur in the body depending on the increase or decrease in thyroid hormone levels. To summarize the effects on our body depending on the excess or deficiency of thyroid hormone secreted by the thyroid gland:
Heart rate increases or decreases. Metabolism accelerates or slows down. It regulates the functioning of sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Blood cholesterol level is regulated. Weight is lost or gained according to the speed of metabolism. Energy expenditure increases or decreases, body temperature rises or falls
The speed of food passing through the digestive system is adjusted. Muscle metabolism is regulated, the contraction power of muscles is adjusted. Dead cells are replaced by new ones. Bone development and strength, skin-nails, genital limbs. All body systems such as body systems, menstrual status, psychological structure, and mental functioning are affected by thyroid hormone. If the thyroid gland works too much, all these body systems will become overactive, this is called a toxic situation. The toxic situation is also called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which symptoms occur due to excessive increase in thyroid hormone. This is the chain of events popularly called toxic goiter. What happens in this situation? Heart beats fast Palpitations occur. The intestines work quickly and diarrhea occurs. Hands shake. Sweat glands work hard, excessive sweating occurs. Gets excited easily, gets angry easily. He eats a lot, but as the metabolism accelerates, he loses weight rather than gaining weight. There is fatigue, muscles are weak. Many dysfunctions occur in men or women, including impaired reproductive ability.
The thyroid is the most common cause of excessive thyroid secretion. Graves' disease, which occurs as a result of an immune system disorder, some thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers. Such conditions can also be seen in those who use certain medications such as Amiadarone (a heart medicine) and those who take unnecessary iodine supplements.
The essence of treatment in hyperthyroidism caused by excessive thyroid hormone secretion is to detect and eliminate the factor that causes this condition. In the treatment, some antithyroid drugs (which reduce the thyroid hormone level) and surgical treatment are applied after drug treatment depending on the situation. In cases where medication cannot be achieved, thyroid ablation treatment is performed. This is popularly called atomic therapy. Thyroid tissue is destroyed by radioactive iodine, a nuclear substance. In cancer cases, after surgical treatment, radiotherapy (radiation therapy) can be performed if necessary. Stay safe, dear readers.
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