Spine Problems in Children

Spine problems in children Ankara are deformities that can arise from congenital or developmental reasons and can negatively affect the whole life of the child if not treated properly. These problems may be related to the structure of the tissues that make up the spine or the alignment (position) of these tissues. Spine problems, also known as spinal deformities, should be treated in a timely manner and appropriately. Otherwise, problems related to the development and posture of the individual may occur. In the same way, some spinal deformities that are not treated can cause problems with important organs such as the lungs and heart of the individual. Among these spinal deformities are diseases such as scoliosis and kyphosis. The aforementioned diseases can be eliminated with special treatments carried out within the scope of pediatric orthopedics. Thus, it is ensured that the individual has a healthy and functional spine.

What are Spinal Problems in Children?

Spine problems in children are serious disorders that can affect children's daily life, development, general health and physical appearance. These ailments include spinal problems such as scoliosis and kyphosis. Spine problems can be largely eliminated with ideal treatments, especially at an early age. Thus, the individual can have an ideal posture and a healthy spine. Spinal problems in children can be diagnosed through diagnostic practices performed by pediatric orthopedic doctors. Likewise, they can be eliminated with treatments suitable for the patient's needs, demands and general health. Since early treatment is very important in spinal deformities, parents who suspect that there is a problem with their child's spine or posture are advised to consult a physician as soon as possible.

What is Spinal Deformity?

Spine deformity, location of the spine or shape problems. Curvatures, humpbacks and similar conditions in the spine are common spinal deformities. Spinal deformities can negatively affect the posture of individuals and even prevent some vital organs from functioning as they should. Therefore, they are recommended to be treated as soon as possible.

Childhood Spine Problems Cause Successive Spine Problems?

Spine deformities do not have to have a specific cause. In some cases, genetic factors, and in some cases, developmental factors can lead to the emergence of these problems. For example, some problems experienced while in the womb can cause spinal deformity in children. Likewise, physical traumas experienced during or after birth can also cause spinal deformities.

What are the Types of Spinal Deformities in Children?

The most common spinal deformities are as follows:

Types of spinal deformities can be listed as follows.

How Long Does Spinal Problem Treatment in Children Take?

The duration of spinal problem treatment in children may vary depending on the type of treatment preferred. Likewise, the type and degree of progression of the spinal problem also have an effect on the duration of the treatment. Your doctor will give detailed information about the duration of the treatment of the spine problem.

How is the Treatment of Spinal Deformity in Children?

Different applications can be applied to treat spinal deformities. Among these applications, the first choice is usually regular doctor examinations. However, if the degree of deformity is high, options such as physical therapy and drug therapy may be preferred. If such applications are not sufficient to eliminate or slow down the deformity, surgical treatments are applied. Spinal deformity thanks to surgical treatments

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