Permanent and Effective Learning Methods for Children

Every child's learning ability is different. The important thing here is to determine how the child learns and to organize the new information according to his learning method. Learning doesn't just happen at school. The first 7 years until pre-school are the most productive years in a child's development and the most learning. In other words, the years when the investment to be made for the child's future is important are the years when the mother and father spend the most time together.

Children need to use their five senses while learning information in a permanent way. The more people are affected by the events they experience, the more they keep them in their minds. This also applies to the child. The more curiosity and sympathy he has for the subject he will learn, the easier and more permanent that subject will be. Children's first teachers are always their mothers and fathers. The child will make mistakes from time to time and make wrong decisions from time to time. We should support them and help them learn from their mistakes so that they can continue to learn willingly. When parents teach their children something, they should help them acquire permanent knowledge, not instantaneous knowledge. For effective and permanent learning, instead of explaining the subject plainly, it is necessary to include the child's emotions in his learning. Because the act of learning is 20% mental and 80% emotional intelligence.

In order to ensure effective learning, it is necessary to acquire the habit of reading books. Talking about the subject after reading a book at the age of 3-5 can encourage the child to read books, and as a result of this, it will be enjoyable for the child to be able to read on his own when he starts school. Some children have a stronger auditory learning method. In other words, a child with strong auditory skills can prefer listening to reading.


They follow the information they have learned more easily when it is presented auditorily. While preparing for the exam, these children learn information more easily when someone reads it to them, explains it to them, or repeats it out loud themselves, rather than reading it on their own.


Let your child decide. For example, when you are going to read a book with your children, let them choose the storybook and the subject so that they can learn more willingly and more efficiently. Study duration It is different for every child. There are different study techniques such as the child studying by reading and writing. How long the child sits in front of the lesson may vary from child to child. While some children wait for a topic to be finished, others adjust themselves by setting a time limit. Let the child choose the method himself.


In addition, children with developed visual intelligence learn through pictures and videos, and they can comprehend what they have learned and associate them. They then visually reflect what they have learned. For example, he may have an interest in painting or filming. Additionally, doing homework regularly reinforces learning. In order for the information learned by the child to remain in long-term memory, it must be repeated.


As we can see, there are many learning methods that children have. Each child may be more prone to one or more of these. Be aware of your child's individual characteristics and strengths, and observe in which environments and situations he learns better and more effectively. The important thing is to discover which method he is prone to and guide him accordingly.


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