Pregnancy and Pregnant Tracking

A normal pregnancy duration is 40 weeks. In other words, 40 weeks is 280 days or 9 months and 10 days. Whether the developments in the baby, the changes and complaints in the mother's body, as well as the medical examinations and treatments that need to be performed, vary depending on these weeks.

The 40-week pregnancy period is evaluated in 3 stages:
Phase 1: The first 12 weeks are the embryogenesis period, which we call the first trimester.

Changes of the baby
The mother's egg is the father's egg. 72 hours after being fertilized by the sperm of the embryo, the fertilized egg reaches the mother's uterus and settles into the uterine layer. The living creature in this period is called Embryo, and the stages it goes through are called Embryogenesis. The extensions from the embryo advance to the uterine layer where the embryo settles and form the placenta (colloquially the baby's partner). )starts to form. The placenta acts as a barrier between the baby and the mother, transferring oxygen and nutrients. The embryo is connected to the placenta with the umbilical cord. The biggest task for the healthy development of the baby belongs to the placenta. The embryo continues to grow in the sac filled with water. At the end of 8 weeks, the embryo is approximately 25 mm in size. During the embryogenesis period, all tissues and organs of the baby are formed. Therefore, it is the period that is most affected by external factors, the medications used by the mother, the diseases she has experienced, and the harmful external factors she is exposed to. In order to protect the baby from some nervous system diseases and the anomaly we call Neural Tube defect, it is recommended that the mother use folic acid during this period.

Approximately 5 weeks after the mother's last menstrual period, Ultrasound(From the Abdominal)

strong> The gestational sac and the primitive intestines of the baby, which we call the passenger sac inside, are seen. This is the biggest indicator that the gestational sac is not empty and that a normal pregnancy process will most likely continue. Two weeks after this date, the embryo and heartbeat are seen. At the end of 12 weeks, all the organs of the baby have formed and it has taken the shape of a miniature human. It is called Fetus instead of Embryo. The placenta has completed its development and started to fulfill all its functions. At the end of 12 weeks, the fetus is 60-65 mm long and weighs approximately 20 grams.

It does not belong to the mother. Changes
The most common complaint known to everyone in the first 12 weeks is nausea and vomiting, which we call hyperemesis. In addition, fatigue, changes in sleep patterns (insomnia or tendency to sleep), groin and waist pain, frequent urination, increase in vaginal discharge, tightness in the breasts, dizziness, headache, mental tension, stomach complaints, body problems. General bloating and edema are common complaints.

Examinations to be done
During this period, if the expectant mother does not have a serious and chronic disease, she should be examined by the obstetrician every time. If no problem is found, there is no need for too much and detailed examination. Routine blood tests and basic tests are sufficient. However, if a problem is detected in the examination findings, examinations deemed appropriate by the Obstetrician should be performed.

Points to be considered
The first 12 weeks are the weeks when you need to be a little more careful, as we mentioned before. .For example, not going on a journey unless necessary, staying away from heavy physical activity, being cautious in sexual intercourse, etc.

12 to 28 weeks are the second trimester

Changes of the baby
Around 16 weeks, the baby has a thin skin and has started to grow hair. These feathers will fall out later. Its length has reached 15-20 cm and its weight has reached 100 g. The bones have started to harden. After 20 weeks, the skin Underlying fat tissue begins to develop. The baby's movements begin to be felt by the mother after this week. (In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the mother can feel the baby's movements starting from 18 weeks.)
. At the end of this period, the baby's weight is between 800-1000 grams. The weeks when most of the possible congenital anomalies can be detected in the baby are between 16-20 weeks. At 23-24 weeks, the baby's ear begins to hear and reacts to external sound stimuli. From this week until birth, the baby begins to recognize and get used to the mother's voice. When born, the baby recognizes its mother from her voice.

Changes of the mother
These weeks are the weeks when the mother adapts to pregnancy. As the uterus extends beyond the groin, the abdomen grows and your spine adapts to this situation. This is the period when back and waist pains occur due to the increase in the curvature as a result of this. In this period when nausea and vomiting subsides, complaints of heartburn and heartburn begin instead. If the baby's first pregnancy is around 20 weeks, the second and subsequent pregnancies are around 18 weeks. This period is perhaps the most comfortable period of pregnancy for the mother. As she feels the baby's movements, she always has the peace of mind that her baby is alive, and since she is not yet too heavy, her quality of life is not affected much. Darkening occurs on the skin and nipple, from the navel to the groin. The first milk (colostrum) secretion begins around 20 weeks.

Tests to be done
12-14 Dual Screening test between weeks: The baby's nuchal thickness is measured. PAPP-A and b-HCG values ​​are checked in the mother's blood. These two parities are combined under the name of double screening test and the risk is calculated. If the result of this test is negative (This is only a statistical test). It is recommended to perform further tests specific to the mother and baby (Chorion villus biopsy)

Between 16-20 weeks (Preferably the 18th week) Triple screening test: In this examination called Triple test, the hormone in the mother's blood is determined, as in the double screening test. measurements and the baby's head circumference measurement. If this test is negative, it is recommended to perform further examination specific to the baby by taking a sample of the baby's water, which we call Amniocentesis.

Quadruple screening test between 15-22 weeks: (It is still in the trial phase.)

A sugar test is performed on the mother between 24-28 weeks to investigate latent diabetes during pregnancy.

Medicines to be used
Considering that the expectant mother has a balanced diet, iron supplements are taken. There is no need for any medication other than (treatment of anemia). If the expectant mother cannot consume sufficient amounts of milk and dairy products, calcium supplements can be made. If the mother has muscle cramps, magnesium is given in addition to calcium. If the expectant mother has no appetite and the baby cannot gain enough weight, then a multivitamin can be added. The only vaccination recommended during pregnancy is the Tetanus vaccine. If the expectant mother does not plan to give birth at home, if the Tetanus vaccine has been given for any reason within 10 years, this vaccine does not need to be given. If there is blood incompatibility between the mother and father, the RHRH vaccine is given at the 28th week.

Points to be considered
The expectant mother should prefer comfortable, loose-fitting clothes from this period onwards. If there is a dental problem, the most appropriate treatment is The period is between 20-28 weeks. If there is milk secretion from the breast, it is sufficient to wipe it with a clean cloth. Moisturizing creams can be used to reduce the formation of cracks in the skin.

28 to 40 weeks are the third trimester

Baby-related changes
During the period from 28 weeks to birth, the baby's weight increases more than its height. On average, it gains weight between 150-250 grams per week. Nail formation and lines on the soles of the feet are formed. Lung development is completed in 34 weeks and if it is born, it will be at a level that can survive in the external environment. .(This situation is accepted theoretically. Ideally, the baby should complete the 37th week.) The baby's movements are stronger and sometimes it can hurt the mother. The weight of the baby, who completes the pregnancy period, is 2500-4000 grams and the length is around 50cm.

Changes in the mother
During this period, there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure in the mother in parallel with the growth of the baby. This causes gastrointestinal complaints, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, difficulty breathing as a result of pressure on the lungs, cough, palpitations. Complaints may occur. As a result of the pressure on the lymphatic tract, swelling in the lower extremities (legs), varicose veins, swelling and pain in the maternal external genital area, and therefore a change in walking pattern (duck-type gait) may occur. Braxton-Hicks contractions (false labor pains) begin from 34 weeks onwards. The difference from real labor pains is that they are infrequent, irregular, short-term and mild. These contractions are a kind of uterine preparation exercises for birth.

Examinations that need to be done
Starting from 34 weeks, the amount of the baby's water is measured more frequently by ultrasound. It should be measured, and the baby's heartbeat is monitored, which we call Non-Stress-Test (NST).

Medicines to be used
It is not possible to use any different medicines specific to this period.

Points to be considered
It is not recommended for the mother to sleep on her back after 30 weeks. This way of lying increases the mother's back and waist pain. More importantly, it causes pressure on the main veins in the womb, leading to both blood flow to the baby. blood The amount decreases and the mother's blood pressure decreases and she has difficulty breathing. The preferred sleeping position is on the left side. If the mother pulls her legs slightly towards her abdomen and uses a pillow between her legs, it will relieve back pain. The mother is advised to count the baby's movements. If the baby moves less than 10 times in 24 hours or remains motionless for more than 2 hours, the doctor should be informed immediately. This situation may be caused by two events. Either the baby's water has decreased and therefore the baby's mobility has decreased, or the baby is born. It is settling in the canal and preparing for birth.

Points to remember during pregnancy
The nutrition style required from the expectant mother during pregnancy is to eat small meals frequently and to have food with high nutritional value and low calories. If you have diabetes. Other than dieting, it is prohibited during pregnancy. Benefits of this way of eating: It ensures that the mother's blood pressure and blood sugar always remain at the same level, the amount of blood going to the baby is always at the same level and balanced, the stomach complaints in the mother decrease and the weight gain in the mother is ideal. The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is It is around 13 kilos, 3 kilos of which are in the first 20 weeks and the remaining 10 kilos in the second 20 weeks.

Exercise during pregnancy:
The only exercise that has been scientifically proven to be beneficial for the mother and the baby is walking. Walking should not exceed half an hour a day, you should walk on a flat path, take a 10-15 minute break and rest after walking for 10 minutes.


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