Anti-Aging Nutrition
Our lifestyle and eating habits can help us live a longer, healthier and higher quality life than our genetic heritage allows.
The foods we choose can prevent diseases, increase our life expectancy and quality, and help us look young and beautiful by turning back our biological clock, thanks to the nutrients they contain.
Although beauty is considered a God-given feature, it can be revealed. It is actually in your hands to remove and heal it. Which woman wouldn't want to have healthy, smooth, glowing skin and look past her calendar age? Unfortunately, it is not always enough to invest in expensive cosmetics or treatment methods. Beauty should also be supported from within. When you apply a cream to your skin, you can make the glow you feel at that moment more effective with the nutrients you choose. With a proper diet, you can notice the changes in yourself day by day, month by month and over the years. For this, you must correct the mistakes in your nutrition and adopt the right strategies.
Anti-Aging Nutrition Strategies:
• Limiting energy intake: p>
Scientific studies have shown that calorie restriction extends lifespan and delays aging. In experiments conducted on animals, it has been shown that it achieves this effect by increasing proteins called sirtuins, which reduce cell oxidation in the body. However, of course, the right thing to do for the continuation of life functions is to restrict calories at a certain rate. Very low-calorie diets can bring many health problems.
• Anti-glycation nutrition:
Glycation, which is among the traps of aging; It means that as a result of the excess sugar in the blood for any reason, some substances in our blood or some tissues in our body enter a kind of caramelization process with this excess sugar and their structure deteriorates and wears out. If any molecule reacts with sugar and becomes gummed, it can turn into a sticky and aging format, so that tissue or organ ages faster than expected. For example, Excess sugar can stick to the collagen tissue in the skin and make it inelastic, the skin ages faster and wrinkles deepen. Foods with high GI values that cause blood sugar to jump suddenly (sugary foods, desserts, pastries and cakes, white bread-rice-pasta) should be avoided as much as possible, as they increase insulin levels and cause glycation.
•Reducing fat consumption / choosing the right fat:
Fat restriction in the diet has an important role in delaying aging. In our nutrition plan, the energy coming from fat should not exceed 25-30% of the total energy. The types of fat we choose are as important as this ratio. When comparing its positive effects against aging, olive oil has a slightly higher star rating. Olive oil prolongs life thanks to the oleic acid, polyphenols and vitamin E it contains, its strong antioxidant structure and its healing effects on blood fats. Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, purslane, flax seeds, walnuts) are also very effective in fighting aging and beautifying the skin structure.
• High fiber. nutrition:
What you eat has an extremely important effect on how quickly or slowly your digestive system ages. However, consuming enough water is important as well as fiber. Without water, the fiber mostly turns into concrete. Together, they keep the food you eat bulky and soft, making it easier for them to pass through the digestive system without putting too much pressure on the intestines. Carcinogenic substances in the intestine are safely excreted together with fiber. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, oats, and whole grain breakfast cereals are rich in fiber.
• Reducing salt consumption:
Salt comes naturally. It is found in foods. As a result of adding excessive salt to meals or consuming too much pickled food, water, which is very important for the cell, is drawn out of the cell, and the cell loses its health and elasticity. In order for the skin tissue to remain vibrant and healthy, excessive salt and salty foods should be avoided. Limit your salt consumption to 5-6 g per day. (average 2-2.5 teaspoons)
• Adequate water consumption i :
DRINK WATER for a young and healthy skin! A well-moisturized skin increases its resistance to wrinkles. An average of 8-10 glasses of water per day is the most important medicine that protects your skin from dryness and rejuvenates your skin age.
• Limiting caffeine consumption:
Excessive caffeine intake, diuretic It leaves the body dehydrated, causing skin moisture loss, wrinkles and premature aging.
The maximum amount of caffeine recommended for adults is 300 mg. That is approximately 3-4 cups of tea or coffee.
Nutrition rich in antioxidants:
Antioxidant foods fight aging and related chronic health problems. It prevents substances in the body from oxidizing by preventing oxygen from combining with other substances. Nature actually helps us with colors for a diet rich in antioxidants. Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, in short, colorful superfoods contain very valuable antioxidant substances.
Here are SUPER ANTIOXIDANT FOODS against aging:
• Apple
• Red/purple grapes, strawberries, cherries, blueberries
• Broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach
• Salmon
• Dried beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils
• Tomato, watermelon, pink grapefruit
• Lemon/lemon peel
• Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts
• Onion/Garlic
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