The desire to fast in the upcoming month of Ramadan and the holy months before it will inevitably be an important agenda item that needs to be evaluated in terms of health.

It is recommended to fast because it provides both physical and spiritual healing. But on the other hand, those whose health conditions are not suitable should perform their prayers by taking into account the doctor's recommendations.

Patients who have diabetes and use insulin or insulin secretagogues should fast. It may cause serious health problems as a result of possible hypoglycemia. For this reason, fasting is definitely not recommended.

On the other hand, if the person's glucose regulation is going very well, in other words, the hemoglobin A1c values ​​​​showing the "3-month sugar average" are absolute 6.5. If they are under weight and are not using insulin secretagogues and can manage their treatments with other medications very successfully, then there is no harm in fasting.



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