The issue that I think is most important in the development of our children; I would like to touch upon privacy education. When talking about privacy, these will include how we should intervene in bathroom and toilet needs and how we will talk about private areas.
First of all, as parents, we should approach calmly when it comes to these issues. Because this time it becomes a very big issue and these issues seem more difficult and bigger, and phobia may occur in our child's eyes. The sense of trust we need to give to our children is very important, that is, they need to feel that mom and dad are approaching this issue in a very normal and dominant way.
First, we will start with the toilet issue as a privacy area. While the training process is very easy for some of our children, it can be seriously challenging for some of our children. Some children who have outgrown the diaper-free period may develop behaviors such as not wanting to be alone in the toilet and wanting their mother, father or someone they trust to be with them. At this point; If you go to the toilet together, your child's special needs and private area should be respected with words and behaviors such as 'I turn my back and wait' and your child should be encouraged to do the same. He/she should be made aware that he/she should go to the toilet alone, so that he/she should be aware that he/she cannot enter the toilet with another person. In this way, if someone starts to take off their clothes in front of them in the future, they will understand that this nakedness is unnatural. However, if the family's privacy areas are made organs that can be easily intervened in, then children will not be aware of a threat from unreliable people outside. In order to raise this awareness, it is necessary to inform people about privacy awareness and develop appropriate behaviors first within the family and then through preschool education.
Another important privacy area is the bathroom. Considering that they are bathed together, our children can be bathed in their underwear in order to emphasize that their private parts are completely personal and that the individual has complete privacy. The aim here is to raise awareness that nudity is personal. To prevent the development of the fact that one can be naked in front of someone else. Panties can be worn while taking a bath; 'Look, we are covering your private area; Even if it's me or your dad, it's your private part.' Privacy can be emphasized by explaining things like this.
Another issue that families are confused about is how to define a private area. In fact, the preferred and correct definition is to explain it with completely abstract and simple concepts, as opposed to using complex abstract concepts. 'The areas covered by your undershirt and panties are your private parts. 'No one can touch this place unless you want to.' Making a statement like this will eliminate the question marks in our children's minds.
Another important area of privacy is the behavior we show when changing our children. When taking off clothes, changing clothes, etc. We must get permission from our children. Because if someone calls him and suddenly tries to take off his clothes; He must understand that this is wrong and react accordingly. It should never be changed harshly. This behavior should be achieved by communicating calmly, step by step. As much as possible, he should be encouraged to do this behavior on his own, first with support and then on his own.
These basic issues regarding privacy that I have mentioned should definitely not be ignored and individuals should inform each other so that all members of the family are in the same behavioral cycle. For the sake of a bright future for our children, we must continue to work together to ensure healthy development, so that they can make healthy progress as the fruit of these efforts.
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