What is Atelectasis? Atelectasis Causes and Treatment

Lungs, the respiratory organs of the body, contain air sacs called alveoli. The air taken with breathing fills these sacs and is expelled again after the oxygen in its content reaches the blood vessels. Atelectasis is a respiratory disease characterized by the inability of the air sacs to inflate and relax properly due to the obstruction of some or various parts of the lungs. The medical name of this condition, which is called pulmonary shrinkage among the people, is linear atelectasis or linear atelectasis. Many factors can be effective in the development of atelectasis, from smoking to disorders related to tumors and mucus secretion in the bronchi. Atelectasis can be life-threatening when severe or when seen in children and individuals with respiratory diseases, causing severe respiratory distress.

What is Atelectasis?

The inability of air to reach a certain part of the lung due to any physical obstruction in any part of the lungs consisting of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli. generates the answer. In other words, the lungs cannot be used at full capacity due to the air that cannot reach the alveoli due to the occlusion. In addition to physical occlusions, conditions such as air entrapment between the lung and the chest wall and pressure on the chest for any reason may also cause atelectasis. Serious problems may occur in atelectasis patients, especially during physical activities due to the negative effects of breathing.

What are the Symptoms of Atelectasis?

Atelectasis disease may not cause any symptoms in the early stages. If the area affected by the obstruction is small, there will be no significant reduction in respiratory capacity, and this is usually not perceptible. However, as the severity of the disease increases, the likelihood of developing certain symptoms in patients increases. Some of the complaints that are among the symptoms of atelectasis can be listed as follows:

Diagnostic tests should be applied to investigate lung functions in patients who apply to health institutions with such complaints. Diagnostic methods such as lung x-ray, computed tomography, arterial blood gas measurement and bronchoscopy help detect a possible blockage in the lungs. Since these symptoms are among the symptoms of different diseases, different screening tests may be requested by the physician to support the diagnosis. As a result of the evaluation of all findings, a treatment plan is initiated in patients diagnosed with atelectasis, considering the severity of the disease.

What are the Causes of Atelectasis?

There may be more than one answer to the question of what causes atelectasis. Any condition that causes collapse or obstruction in the lung can lead to atelectasis. Causes of lung shrinkage or lung atelectasis include:

What are the Types of Atelectasis?

There are two basic types of atelectasis. The first of these is obstructive atelectasis caused by occlusive factors, and the other is non-obstructive atelectasis caused by non-obstructive factors. The main types of atelectasis are as follows:

Common atelectasis, although these are the most common types of atelectasis, there may be more than one reason for atelectasis in some patients. When factors such as the effects of a certain respiratory disease, injury and tumor are considered together, the disease can fall into more than one group. In such cases, the treatment approach should be determined by considering the problems in the lung.

How is Atelectasis Treatment?

The most important answer to the question of how atelectasis is treated is to ensure air flow in the lung and eliminate the collapse. . For this, if there is a physical obstruction, in other words, if there is obstructive atelectasis, the necessary interventions should be made to remove the obstruction. property. If the congestion factor is mucus accumulation, it can be eliminated by coughing by applying drug treatments to dilute these secretions. Patients may be referred to respiratory physiotherapists to expel mucus plugs from the respiratory tract. Studies in the field of respiratory physiotherapy are very effective on increasing the lung capacity and relieving air flow to the deep parts of the lung. One of the common causes of linear atelectasis is infections. Therefore, if such an infection is detected in a patient with atelectasis, the infection should be relieved first with the help of appropriate antibiotic treatments. After the infection is treated, atelectasis may disappear by relaxing airflow. However, in some cases, permanent effects may occur and additional treatments may be needed.

Acute atelectasis that occurs as a complication after surgery can be treated with the help of oxygen supplements. If there is a foreign body that has escaped into the respiratory tract, this body can be removed by applying bronchoscopy. In cases such as tumor or fibrous tissue accumulation, treatment usually requires surgical operations. In chronic atelectasis developing after long-term infections, surgical removal of the lung region, which is the focus of the infection, is an effective treatment method both for treatment and for preventing the recurrence of the infection. As can be understood from these approaches, the causes of atelectasis play a key role in determining the treatment process. After the diagnosis of atelectasis in patients, it is very important to fully identify the causes that play a role in the development of this condition. If you are experiencing symptoms of atelectasis and you have not yet been diagnosed, you can consult a pulmonologist and go through the examination and have the necessary scans.

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