Autism and Language Speech Therapies

Autism and Language Speech Therapies

Autismis a neurodevelopmental disorder that can be congenital or acquired until the first 3 years of life. The world of science has not yet decided what causes autism and what factors cause this problem. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is known that there is a very strong genetic predisposition. According to the results of some studies, it is thought that neural structures that affect some structures or functions of the brain may be effective in the emergence of autism.

I think the most important question for a parent is this. How can I understand that my child has autism?

Autism occurs in a wide range of symptoms and degrees of severity.

The most important of these are:


Your child may have autism. For this, you need to consult a child psychiatrist without delay. Early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation can significantly affect the future of the child with autism.

Autism and language-speech therapies

Children with autism experience problems in many areas. First of all, they experience problems in their social relations and academic lives. However, they experience the biggest problem in the field of language and speech. These problems can involve almost all elements of the language. He/she may experience language and speech problems such as not developing any speech, not having a sufficient number of words, word repetition (echolalia), letter disorder (articulation) disorder. In fact, problems such as hoarseness may occur in autistic children who scream and shout frequently

Language and speech therapy process:

Language and speech therapy with children with autism is a long and challenging process. For this reason, the speech and language therapist must have experience in working with children with autism. Success in language development can be achieved by establishing a strong communication with the family, child psychiatrist and special education specialist.

What techniques does he use for language and speech development:

First of all, he has autism. We use techniques that increase the child's attention and voice and speaking skills. Techniques that increase voice production and laryngeal massage techniques are used. We use the PROMP Technique, which is used to remove each missing letter, support natural speech, and techniques that increase word acquisition with picture cards and simple toys.

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