Preparation for Pregnancy
It is possible to collect all the preparations to be made before birth in the pregnancy preparation group. However, it would be correct to examine the issue of preparation for pregnancy in detail and take the necessary steps in this direction.
Past generations thought that individuals who were expected to be pregnant, that is, expected to have children, should be healthy at all costs and made the necessary improvements for the individual to be healthy. He underlines that in the scientific age we live in, the period that doctors should focus on for the pregnancy period is 12 months.
“It is known that a healthy body will ensure the health of the baby and will lead to a healthy pregnancy.”
Preparations for the Pregnancy Process< br /> The information we present to you in this section targets the period before pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult your doctor for your questions and concerns.
Pre-Pregnancy Preparations
• The individual must have decreased or increased to her ideal weight at least 3 months in advance.
Item Description: The blood pressure of overweight women is higher than normal. Another factor that affects this is the risk of diabetes. Individuals in this group with weight problems will be more prone to cesarean births.
The situation in women with low weight problems is; She may have trouble getting pregnant. Additionally, the risk of premature babies is higher for women in this class. Babies that cannot reach sufficient weight are also among the common problems of women in the low weight class.
• If there are vitamins that you need to use with a doctor's recommendation, you should start using them at least 3 months before the start of pregnancy.
Ingredient Description: If you have used another multivitamin, you should stop using this vitamin.
• You need to exercise regularly and move within the program.
Article Explanation But: It will be beneficial to keep in shape before pregnancy and move the body to a certain resistance level. In addition, sports activities that are not too heavy and that you do in line with your body's needs are among the activities that you should continue not only before but also after pregnancy. It would be useful to share it with your doctor.
• If you have a hereditary or chronic disease, make sure it is under control before pregnancy. Share this situation with your doctor.
• Give up cigarettes and tobacco products and stay away from environments where these products are used.
• Do not use alcohol.
• Have your immunity status checked for Measles and Chickenpox.
Article Explanation: If you are required to be vaccinated against the diseases in question, you must have these vaccinations before getting pregnant. Also, be sure to ask your doctor for detailed information about how many months after vaccination you need to get pregnant.
• Abandon your birth control method. Then make plans for x-rays and other films to be taken.
• Use a chart to keep track of your fertile window.
• Administer fertility tests and check with both urine and saliva tests.
• Be careful about your nutritional supplements and herbal foods
Ingredient Description: Studies have proven that although St. John's wort and dwarf persimmon strengthen the immune system, they reduce the rate of pregnancy. Therefore, it would be beneficial to stay away from plants you do not know during this period.
• Start using folic acid.
Ingredient Description: The recommended use of folic acid is between 0.4 and 0.5 grams per day. Folic acid helps prevent brain and spinal cord defects. Low amounts of folic acid in the blood can cause miscarriage reduces the possibility. This acid must be used before getting pregnant. Because it is needed in the first week of pregnancy. Since you cannot know exactly when you will get pregnant, you can start using folic acid after eliminating the birth control method.
• Have a detailed test on your iron level in your body.
Article Description: In order not to feel excessively tired during pregnancy, you should make sure that the body contains enough iron. Otherwise, this fatigue will not disappear throughout the pregnancy.
• Make sure to get a test about your cholesterol level.
Item Description: You need to remove foods containing fat from your nutrition program and replace them with foods containing high fiber. In this way, while your cholesterol level will decrease, the risk of hypertension will also decrease.
• Avoid anything that risks damaging your health and body integrity
Ingredient Description: Infections will never occur. You may encounter it when you least expect it. While this may sometimes occur with a rusty nail, sometimes it may include a knife cut and is among the risks that may enter your life. Therefore, paying attention to frequent hand cleaning, changing your cat litter by someone else, and eating well-washed and cleaned foods will reduce the risk of infection.
• Stay away from all chemicals considered dangerous in your workplace or at home.
• Get away from the meaningless stress and problems in your life
• Find a solution to dental and gum diseases by getting the necessary treatment before pregnancy.
• Get tested for the HIV virus.
• Note your and your partner's blood groups
• Check your and your partner's family medical history.
• Check the coverage for pregnancy conditions in your health insurance.
Taking It Before Pregnancy Required Tests
Health tests required even during a job change are among the issues that must be evaluated on the eve of an important issue such as pregnancy. For this reason, there are tests and test groups that have very important and result-determining factors that must be performed before the pregnancy process begins. When we take a closer look at the tests in question; br /> • Mammography test if you are 35 years or older.
• Test for HIV(AIDS)
• If there is diabetes in your family, definitely a diabetes test.
• Despite the problem of anemia and miscarriage if it has been experienced before. You must have other tests recommended by your doctor.
After completing these tests and preparations, you will receive your doctor's approval for pregnancy. Achieving pregnancy at the end of this process will be a healthy step for both you and your baby. Because your body is not ready during an unexpected and sudden pregnancy, which will make it necessary for you to experience different health problems throughout the pregnancy. Therefore, making the necessary preparations will be one of the most important steps that will eliminate your uneasiness while experiencing the joy and pride of the miracle you will bring to the world.
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