How Do I Know If I Have HPV?
We can understand that the HPV virus is transmitted by several methods. One of these is that if the HPV virus is one of the types of viruses that cause warts, small lesions will appear in the external genital area. Apart from that, we can understand whether there is HPV virus in the cervix with the HPV DNA test, similar to the smear test.
Are Warts in the Genital Area Caused by HPV?
Some of the HPV virus types can cause genital warts. Apart from genital warts, some sexually transmitted viruses or other infectious agents can also cause wart-like lesions. The diagnosis of warts is essentially made by a doctor's visual examination. Therefore, if you see a lesion that you suspect to be a genital wart, you should definitely be examined by your doctor.
What Should Be Done If There Are Warts in the Genital Area?
If you suspect that you have warts in the genital area, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and obstetrician. Your doctor will decide whether you have genital warts by visual examination and will provide appropriate treatment. Among the treatment methods, methods such as cauterization, that is, burning the wart, cryotherapy, that is, freezing the wart, or drug application may be preferred. Your doctor will best decide which of these methods is preferred.
What are the Future Dangers Posed by HPV?
If the HPV virus remains in the cervix for a long time, pre-cancerous lesions may occur that may turn into cancer in the future. These lesions on the cervix can usually be cleaned with operations such as leep conization. In rare cases, if treatment success is not achieved in these lesions, the uterus may need to be removed.
What is the Relationship Between HPV and CIN?
The lifetime chance of encountering the HPV virus in sexually active women is approximately 80%. If the HPV virus remains in the cervix for a long time, it may cause rapid proliferation of cells in the cervix and precancerous lesions may occur. These lesions are caused by cervical intraepithelia. They are called neoplasia or CIN lesions. If these continue for a long time and progress, they carry the risk of turning into cancer in the future.
What Should Be Done When CIN Is Detected in Smear?
If a precancerous lesion is suspected in a routine smear test, colposcopic examination should be performed. Colposcopy is the process of examining the cervix in detail with a microscope-like device. If a precancerous lesion is suspected during this procedure, a biopsy will be taken by your doctor. If any of the precancerous CIN lesions are detected in the biopsy, the next step is the cleaning of the cervix or leep conization.
What Does CIN I-II-III Mean? ?
Precancerous lesions of the cervix are called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or CIN. These lesions are generally evaluated step by step. The first stage is called CIN I, the second stage is called CIN II, and the third stage or the lesion we call carcinoma in situ is called CIN III. While these lesions will progress over time as a continuation of each other, we may also encounter CIN II or CIN III at the time of initial diagnosis.
What kind of a procedure is colposcopy?
Colposcopy is an intervention in which the cervix is examined in detail with a microscope-like device. During colposcopy, special solutions are applied to the cervix and the presence of precancerous lesions that may turn into cancer in the future is investigated. If deemed necessary by your doctor, small biopsies can be taken from these lesions.
No anesthesia is usually required during the colposcopy procedure and the procedure usually takes between 5-10 minutes. Colposcopy must be performed by a gynecologist or gyneco-oncologist trained in this field.
What is the Follow-Up After Colposcopy?
During the colposcopy procedure, it is investigated whether there is a precancerous lesion. If a biopsy is performed during colposcopy and a pre-cancerous lesion is detected in this biopsy, these lesions are usually seen in normal women. are monitored more closely than others. Examinations are performed at intervals determined by your doctor, usually between 6 months and 1 year, and repeat colposcopy is performed if necessary.
What is the Procedure for Leep and Conization?
Precancerous lesions of the cervix or cervical cancer arise from the transformation zone of the pelvis, that is, the cervix. The operation in which this area is cleaned and removed as a slice is called conization operation. Conization operation can be performed with a sharp tool such as a knife, or with a cautery or electrical energy, which we call leep. This procedure is usually performed with a short-term anesthesia.
How Should Follow-Up Be After Leep and Conization?
For our patients who have undergone cervical leep or conization procedures, follow-ups are usually done every 6 months. During these 6-month follow-ups, HPV test, smear test or repeat colposcopy can be performed if necessary.
What Should Be Done After Repeated CIN Results?
Smear test or, if necessary, colposcopy is performed in the follow-up of pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix or CIN lesions. If recurrent CIN lesions are detected as a result of the biopsy taken during this colposcopy procedure, one of the conization or leep operations may be required. If our patient does not expect a child and these lesions are detected for a long time, removal of the uterus is also an option.
What are the Ways to Protect from HPV?
HPV infections are actually sexually transmitted infections. There are various methods to protect against HPV. The first of these is HPV vaccines. HPV vaccines reduce both the risk of cervical cancer and the risk of genital warts. Apart from this, barrier methods such as condoms can also provide protection.
Can CIN Results and Pregnancy Occur?
In the presence of cervical cancer precursor lesions or CIN lesions, pregnancy and norm birth is possible. However, since these lesions may progress a little faster than normal during pregnancy, they should be closely monitored by your gynecologist.
Does HPV Cause a Health Problem in the Unborn Child?
If HPV infection is detected in the cervix during pregnancy, it generally does not cause any problems in children. However, if there is a serious density of genital warts in the genital area, this HPV infection can be transmitted to the child through normal birth. Therefore, your gynecologist and obstetrician will guide you appropriately.
Does Conization or Leep Cause Premature Birth?
Conization or leep operation can be used in the treatment of cervical cancer precursor lesions. If pregnancy occurs after these operations, the risk of premature birth may increase slightly. The main determining factor in this is the amount of cervical tissue removed. If the cervical tissue has not decreased much, then the risk of premature birth is greatly reduced.
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