I was surprised when a civil servant friend of mine, who has been working in the heart of Istanbul for 20 years, told me that he had not visited Topkapi Palace yet. Look at another similar strangeness: I have fellow citizens from Konya who have not had the chance to enter the Mevlana museum, which is visited by people from all over the world. In this sense, in our country, Hz. There are many people who are unaware of Mevlana's Mesnevi. Indeed, human beings do not appreciate the beauties right under their noses.
The observation of my relative, who caused my belated introduction to Mesnevi, was very nice: “Mesnevi is like a mirror: for some it is a religious and mystical masterpiece, for some it is a humanistic work, for some it is a humanistic work. It is an erotic book, and for some, it is a harmful publication that contains polytheism and blasphemy. Honestly, whatever is inside you is the reflection of what exists, what you see.”
From that day on, I realized that people are the mirror of other people and “it is not important what you say, but what the other person understands!”. For this reason, when the other person says, "Doctor, you told me this/you meant this...", I do not get defensive as much as possible. I respect whatever the person in front of me understands. Because I know that what is more important than the thoughts I say are the thoughts that the other party perceives and understands.
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