There is very little time left until the report cards are received. Some children will happily take their report home home, while others will be grumpy. I would like to talk about some important points that parents should pay attention to, no matter what the report cards are like.
Report card time should not be called = gift time. Instead of giving a material gift for every success the child achieves, spiritual gifts can be presented. Going on a trip, going to the cinema or theatre, and various activities that can be done together may be preferred.
Parents who encounter a report card with low grades should not display a judgmental and humiliating attitude. “Hurtful or derogatory words should not be used, the child should not be compared to others, a careless attitude should not be displayed, and punishment should not be resorted to. Grades improve, but parent-child relationships damaged by grades can leave deeper wounds.
Comparisons should not be made between children. Although sometimes parents resort to this method to motivate the child, on the contrary, it usually serves no purpose other than distracting the child from classes and turning him into an introvert.
If the child's success is high, he should not be overwhelmed with excessive rewards, "the grades are good this term; Sentences such as "I hope you don't lose your mind in the second term" should not be used. Past failures should not be brought up frequently. The teacher should be interviewed to identify the child's areas of difficulty and talent, and the semester break should be used as an opportunity to improve himself in these areas.
Even us adults can disrupt our work when we are sad or unhappy. The only place where children can express these feelings is school. However, if there is a failure due to reasons such as learning difficulties or lack of attention, parents should definitely consult a specialist.
Teachers should not be criticized in front of the child, and if there is a problem, it should be resolved by private discussion with the teacher.
Holiday does not mean unlimited television and computers. However, the point that should not be forgotten is that restricting these is important for the child's general development and attention, not for the school period. For this reason, television and computer time should be kept in moderation. It should be continued under control.
It may be appropriate to direct the child to sports or art activities or to make a program that is not too intense. However, children's rest needs should not be forgotten. The child's holiday should not be turned into hell, he should be made to consider his holiday as a holiday. He should be encouraged to spend time with his peers.
Spend time for reading books. Let your child choose the book he wants. The child's reading habit will develop when he reads the book he enjoys, so your child will be more willing to read. You should know that no matter how much you explain the importance of reading books and give advice, it will not be as effective as setting an example by reading books. You should do book reading as a family. If you watch TV in the other room while your child is reading a book, it will not be easy for you to gain the habit of reading books in your child.
Most importantly, do not see your child's success as a measure of your love and attention. Remember, no success is more valuable than your child's.
We hope all our students and parents have a good holiday.
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