Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which first appeared in China in December 2019, has spread rapidly all over the world. The hottest topics regarding infection are the mutations of the virus and efforts to develop a vaccine against the virus.
To protect yourself from virus infection, follow general health rules (wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, social distance, isolation, etc.).
There is evidence that this infection may be more serious and more fatal in diabetic patients. This infection can be more serious and fatal, especially in diabetic patients with high blood sugar.
Pay attention to your nutrition and sleep patterns during this period.
Measure and monitor your blood sugar more often.
If you think that you are not eating enough for any reason, or if you have complaints such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, first contact healthcare professionals and institutions by phone.
If your blood sugar is low (below 80 mg/dl), take precautions. If the decrease continues, first contact healthcare professionals and institutions by phone.
If you feel symptoms of high blood sugar, if your sugar level persists above 300 mg/dl, or if your general condition has deteriorated, be sure to consult the health institutions that follow you or are closest to you.
In case of any emergency, if there is a physician or diabetes nurse you can contact, first consult these healthcare professionals without coming face to face.
If you have persistent fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and respiratory distress, immediately call the SABİM 184 support line, which is the Ministry of Health Advisory Line.
Today, in order to protect against this infection, in addition to paying the utmost attention to general health rules such as mask, distance and cleaning, another effective method is vaccination. There is currently a serious problem in the world regarding access to the vaccine. In this context, it would be beneficial to vaccinate our diabetic patients with any vaccine that is accepted worldwide and approved for use by the authorities.
Stay at home, stay healthy.
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