
Eczema is a general term, there are many types of eczema. It generally causes symptoms such as itching, redness and flaking. Stress and dry skin increase the risk of eczema. Dryness is the factor that most triggers eczema
. For this reason, the area with eczema must be kept constantly moist.

In the treatment of eczema, it is very important to avoid external factors that may trigger eczema, along with medications.
Although eczema cannot be completely eliminated, risk factors can be reduced to prevent the disease from recurring
br /> can be prevented.

A type of eczema called allergic contact dermatitis is common in some professional groups. Especially in professions such as hairdresser
and builder. People working in these professions have to use some
chemicals as part of their work. In such cases, eczema treatment becomes difficult.

Although eczema disease cannot be completely eliminated, the negative effects of the disease can be reduced.

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