The fine lines on our face occur because the telomeres, which are located at the ends of the chromosomes, do not carry any genetic information, and prevent the chromosomes from wearing out during cell division, begin to shorten in length. When telomeres become too short, cell division stops, meaning the cell dies. Anti-aging moves that can prevent the shortening of telomere length are possible with proper and healthy nutrition. So, we can look and feel much younger than we are. So, what should we do? Here are a few suggestions;
- Individuals with sufficient vitamin D levels age later. Therefore, take care to sunbathe every day. If you have vitamin D deficiency, take vitamin D supplements under the supervision of your doctor.
- Consume salmon two or three times a week. This fish, which is rich in both omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin, slows down the formation of fine lines. Astaxanthin is a very powerful antioxidant. It has been reported that adequate intake of antioxidant nutrients affects telomere length and delays the aging process
- Regular intake of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E protects against oxidative stress, that is, cell damage, and supports telomere health. To reach these vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits every day (especially dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, chard), lentils, papaya, red pepper, tomatoes, apricots, brussels sprouts, parsley, broccoli, rose hips, plums, jujubes, strawberries, Care should be taken to consume kiwi, orange, melon, grapefruit (those who use regular medication should not consume) and a few oil seeds (almonds, walnuts, peanuts).
- Another important vitamin that protects from DNA damage is coenzyme Q10. Stop. Nutritional sources of Coenzyme Q10; low-fat red meat, peanuts, broccoli, cauliflower, salmon and herring.
- It has been determined that individuals with sufficient levels of B vitamins, especially folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, age later. It should not be forgotten that the only source of vitamin B12 is foods of animal origin (meat, milk, cheese, eggs). To reach folic acid, you can include legumes (such as lentils), dark green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, eggs and tomato juice in your daily diet. The best sources of vitamin B6 are; turkey, mu z, avocado, peanut.
- It has been determined that turmeric both slows down the aging process and has a protective effect against cancer (especially melanoma).
- Another nutrient that is reported to have a positive effect on the aging process is It is magnesium. It provides benefits in terms of both protecting DNA integrity and controlling oxidative stress, which can cause cell damage.
- At least 8 glasses of water should be drunk every day and the amount to be drunk should be distributed throughout the day due to the absorption capacity of our small intestines.
I wish you healthy, happy and enjoyable days where your youth is strengthened...
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